Chapter 24: Part Three

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~A week later~

~Rose’s P.O.V~

I woke up snuggled against Harry’s chest. I slowly picked my head up and looked around. I was back at Harry and Louis’s flat. I stared up at the ceiling, just thinking.


“We are going to have to put you under.” I nodded, as they injected me with the small needle. At first nothing happened and I started to get annoyed. After a couple more minutes my eyelids became heavy. I tried to keep them opened, but soon I fell into a deep sleep.

~About five hours later~

I woke up and got blinded by bright lights. Once my eyes adjusted I looked around and saw tons of nurses swarming around the room. It was kinda like a beehive and I’m the queen bee, I thought to myself. I was on a metal table, which I guess was suppose to be a bed. It was extremely uncomfortable. I looked around and realized everybody had a worried look on their face, what was that all about? I tried to sit up, but I had a sharp pain in my stomach. I yelped in pain and quickly lay back down. One of the nurses ran over to me and gave me a couple pills and a cup of water. I put the pills in my mouth and downed it all with water.

I handed her the cup as she walked away she muttered something like, ‘Poor child doesn’t even know. I feel bad for her lose.’ What lose? I cleared my throat and a couple nurses looked over at me.

“Umm,” I scratched the back of my neck, I was suddenly uncomfortable. “What lo-“ I was cut off by the door opening and a doctor coming into the room. He smiled at me, I could tell it was fake and weak. He walked to the foot of the ‘bed’ and grabbed a clipboard and looked flipped through the pages. His smile faded and his face became stoned. He turned to me and offered a weak smile.

“I’m very sorry, but it seems that you have lost your baby.”

~End of flashback~

The way the doctor told me, I knew that it he had witnessed this before. I closed my eyes and pictured what the baby would have looked like.

~The baby had curly hair and green eyes just like Harry, but his nose and mouth was exactly like mine. He was wrapped in a blue blanket and his eyes were staring up at me.~

A tear slide down my cheek, I wanted that. We would have been so happy, but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. I mean I was going to be starting my career as a singer and Harry would still go on tour and that. I mean we would barely ever see the baby, so I guess it was for the better. Right?

What is wrong with me? Why does everything leave? Why do I lose everything? I hope Harry doesn’t leave, I need him more than anything.

I opened my eyes and looked outside the window, it was late morning. I looked over at Harry and shook him.

“Five more minutes…” he mumbled. I shook him more and he tried batting away my hand. “Louis! Stop!” he whined, I stifled a giggle and leaned down to kiss him. When I pulled back a few inches his eyelids began to flutter open. He caught sight of me and smiled; I smiled back, and then turned to sit up. I didn’t know what was wrong, but I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I threw the covers and bolted to the loo and started to throw up. I heard footsteps and a couple voices behind me and somebody pat my back, but I just kept throwing up. After a little while I had stopped and wiped my mouth. I looked around and saw all the boys here, had they been here the whole time?

Liam crouched down next to me and put his hand on my back. “Why don’t you go rest?” I nodded, and with that Harry gently picked me up and brought me into the bedroom, he set me down and kissed my temple. Covering me up as the boys looked at me with concern.

“I’ll be back in a couple minutes with water.” He stated before he exited the room with everybody else. I lay down and started to get comfortable when I hear whispering.

“I thought she was ok?”

“I guess not, she did loose the baby and all. Maybe sh-”

“SHE WHAT?” I heard many people yell at once. I buried my face into the pillow and started to sob. Now they know, what if they hate me?

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