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You knew where you were as soon as you stepped through the portal with Yael and Adira, a sense of dread filling the pit of your stomach as you observed your surroundings.

You were in an elevator with a large fan lazily circling around overhead, causing the two posters pasted to the walls to flutter in the slight breeze.

"Sister location." Yael muttered grimly, conforming your suspicions as he went over to one of the posters.

It was a picture of Baby smiling cheerfully while waving, sending chills down your spine at the creepy feeling the picture gave you.

"C'mon, let's just get out of here." Adira spoke up, equally anxious as she strode towards the doors.

They opened in front of her, revealing a familiars vent shaft with caution take liked around it.

"Great." You mumbled, following Adira through it to get to the next room with Yael crawling behind you.

"Motion detector triggered. Circus Gallery vent." A female AI voice stated, causing you and the others to freeze temporarily.

Adira started living again after a moment, arriving in a room that was dimly lit with only two neon green lights illuminating the metal walls.

"There's three rooms, the Funtime Auditorium, Ballora Gallery, and Circus Gallery." You listed off, remembering the rooms thanks to the phase you had where you looked up everything you could about Fnaf.

"So we split up and loom for the person in trouble?" Yael asked worriedly with a frown that showed his concern.

"We have to if we want to get out of here quickly." You replied reluctantly, but a fan of the plan either.

"I'll take Ballora Gallery." Adira volunteered.

"I'll go to Funtime Auditorium." Yael sighed, still hesitant about splitting up.

"I guess I'll go to Circus Gallery then." You nodded, swallowing hard before you crawled through the vent in front while the others room their own paths.

The dark room looked deserted except for a large control panel in front of you much to your disappointment and slight relief since Baby was nowhere in sight.

You turned to leave, eager to escape the nightmare and find the victim before an animatronic did.

"You don't know what we've been though."

You instantly froze mid-step a few strides away from the exit, your blood turning cold as your heart pounded loudly in your ears.

Baby was here.

You didn't dare turn back around as you sprinted to the exit, adrenaline fueling your desperate escape.

You could hear the sound of shattering glass as Baby broke through her prison, her metal footsteps echoing loudly behind you as you squirmed back through the vent.

"Motion trigger, entry way vent....Funtime auditorium maintenance vent opened....Ballora gallery maintenance vent opened." The female AI spoke up once again as you escaped, Baby giving up the chase once you exited the vent much to your relief.

"I hope Yael or Adira has more luck than me." You murmured softly under your breath, hoping that they were okay.

Your concerns were answered when Yael came running up to you with a bleeding scratch mark in his arm that caused his blood to drip onto the floor.

"I didn't...find....anyone in the....Funtime Auditorium." Yael panted, clutching his wounded arm close to his chest.

"Okay, once we find Adira and the victim we'll get you fixed up in the Hub." You promised the male.

"I got'em!" Adira yelled as she ran up to you and Yael, a girl with ginger hair and a terrified expression with fear shining in her turquoise eyes tailing behind.

"We need to go, Ballora is coming." Adira barked impatiently, practically dragging the poor girl to the elevator.

You and Yael followed her as Ballora cane dancing into view, Funtime Freddy, Foxy, and Baby appearing as well.

Once everyone arrived in the elevator, you slammed your hand down on the button to shut the doors, only for Freddy to stop them before they could close in the animatronics' faces.

"Get ready for Freddy!" You shouted to the others, preparing your sword for battle while Yael stood back to shield the defenseless girl.

"Wait, I have an idea!" The girl exclaimed, racing away past the animatronics and into the vent before you could stop her.

"Damnit!" Yael cursed in frustration as she disappeared, readying his mage staff for defense since he knew that it would be suicide to try and follow.

Adira took on Freddy while you fought off Ballora and Foxy, Yael taking care of Baby.

"There's too many of them!" You cried, taking a kick to the ribs from Ballora that made a sharp crack echo throughout the room.

You fell to your knees as your ribs burned in pain, your breathing labored as you looked up at the merciless dancer.

Then without warning, jolts of electricity raced through the animatronics, causing them to fall to the ground unconscious.

"The hell?" Adira panted, looking around for the reason they had fallen.

"The control panels for them in their rooms have a shock button."

You looked at the door to see the girl running back with a triumphant grin, offering you a hand up.

"I'm Jessie." She introduced herself.

You noticed that she had an Australian accent, her clothes consisting of a pusheen shirt, black jeans, and Link high top converse.

"(Y/N)." You grunted in reply, gratefully accepting the help up as you wrapped an arm around your injured ribs that you were sure that were broken.

The portal finally appeared behind you, allowing you and the rest of the group to leave before the animatronics could wake up.

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