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"Welcome back (Y/N)!" Ethan greeted you as you appeared back in the Hub, beginning  o get used to the Suzy feeling it always gave you when you arrived.

"Good to be here. Is Adira here?" You asked hopefully, eager to check up on her.

"Yeah, she's in the training room. She's a warrior like you." Tyler remarked, overhearing your conversation from where he was standing by the stage.

"Cool, I'll go say hi." You decided, making your way to the training room after making sure your supplies were stocked.

You found Adira slashing at a mannequin with all of her might, sweat beading her forehead as she practiced her technique.

She's pretty strong for her age, You mused as you watched her practice.

"Hey Adira!" You called out after a moment, catching her attention mid-swing.

"What's up?" She panted, pretending to not look tired as she rested her hands on the end of her sword while the blade embedded itself into the floor.

"I just wanted to say hi and see if you were okay-"

"I'm fine, I don't need help." She interrupted you coldly, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Right." You nodded, knowing that she was wrong, but didn't bother trying to argue with her about the subject since she clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"I heard the first chime a little bit ago, are we going on a mission yet?" She asked with surprising eagerness.

"We should be going soon." You explained.

That was when the second chime sounded throughout the Hub.

"C'mon, let's go." You announced, striding out of the room with Adira following close behind, looking extremely eager to kill the Terrorlings.

You stepped through the portal with her and soon found yourself in a dark field of some kind, stacks of wood lying everywhere throughout the map.

"Is this dead by daylight?" You muttered as you looked around, squinting to try and see your surroundings.

"Yes." Adira whispered as she pointed to a meat hook off in the distance, sending shivers running down your spine.

"Split up, we'll find more generators that way." Adira instructed quietly, seeming to understand the mechanics of being a Heart-Hero.

Knowing that she was right, but still hating the idea, you crept off through the rows of corn in search of an inactive generator to power up to open the exit.

You quickly spotted one in an abandoned house, beginning to work on it before you heard an explosion.

You darted off towards the sound to find a guy around your age running past you like his life depended on it.

You soon saw what he was running from when a tall figure became uncloaked in front of you, a church bell sounding as they became uncloaked.


With that, you followed him away from the killer, heart pounding heavily in your ears as you struggled to keep up with the stranger's pace.

He abruptly pulled you by the arm back into the field, motioning for you to be quiet and to stay still.

You bit your tongue to bite back a scream of fear as the killer strode past you and the person you were supposed to be saving.

"Thanks." You whispered once the monster was out of earshot, the guy nodding back.

"Yael." He replied in an equally soft tone.

"Please don't get sick, that's the last thing I need." You sighed in exasperation.

"No, it's my name. Yael." He repeated with a smirk, causing your face to blush a light red hue in embarrassment.

"I knew that." You muttered sheepishly.

Together you and Yael found more generators and worked on them together while keeping an eye out for Adira.

"One more generator." You whispered excitedly, eager to leave.

That was when you heard Adira scream.

"ADIRA!" You shouted back before running off, Yael quickly following you without hesitation.

Adira was dangerously close to being caught by the killer, their weapon almost able to reach her head.

"Go." Yael instructed you firmly.

"HEY UGLY!" Yael yelled at the top of his lungs.

Instantly the killer left Adira alone, allowing you to go over to her while Yael sprinted off with the killer on his tail.

"Go fix the last generator and find the exit, I have to help Yael." You told her sternly.

She nodded before running off, going back to a generator you and Yael had started so she cold finish it.

You jogged around looking for Yael, hoping he was still running somewhere.

He wasn't.

His body hung limply on a hook that was pierced through his neck, blood staining his shirt.

"Oh my god." You whispered, feeling sick as you managed to pull his body off.

You picked up his body and slung him over your shoulder before going to the exit, Adira already there.

Just as you and the others started to leave, the monster be and uncloaked, standing in the way of the exit.

You and Adira unsheathed your weapons abd took defensive positions, you staying back more since you had Yael to take care of.

Before either of you could attack, there was a flash of blue before the monster fell and disappeared, revealing Ethan standing in his place with gears glowing blue in hand.

"We need to go now, there's trouble in the Hub."

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