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You abruptly woke up with a gasp, confused to find your cheeks soaked in freshly shed tears as you quickly sat up.

You glanced at your alarm and was dismayed to find that you had woken up hours earlier than you needed to for school.

"Gross, school." You groaned softly as you flopped back down onto your pillow and prayed for sleep to return, wishing you could stay in bed forever.

Your pet named Steve barked as they leapt up in your bed, licking your face to keep you awake.

"Alright alright, I'll get up." You sighed wearily, scratching Steve's head lovingly before rolling out of bed rather ungracefully and getting ready for the day.

Your mood was dark and grumpy, but you weren't sure why since today was the last day of school for you.

You picked up a pile of clothes off of the floor and sniffed them precariously before deeming them clean enough and throwing them on.

When you activated your computer after eating breakfast, you were dismayed to see that most of the YouTubers you were subscribed to hadn't posted anything new, making you feel worried.

"They didn't even say anything, they just...disappeared." You mused aloud as you scrolled through your sub feed.

"Mark and the gang are probably busy with their tour, same for Jack." You reasoned aloud before shutting down your computer.

But what about Dan, Phil, and Felix?, You wondered as you stood up and went to school.

Unsurprisingly, you didn't pay much attention at all during any of your classes since there wasn't much going on, causing the hours to fly by until the bell rang to signal your release.

You had said goodbye to your friends and promised to hang out with them over the summer before you went home, eager to put today behind you.

Sleep came for you as soon as you crawled into bed, Steve curling up next to your feet to keep you company.

"(Y/N), I'm super sorry about yesterday, I was such a bitch." Adira apologized as you appeared back into the Hub.

"It's alright. Where's the others?" You asked.

"Middy is hanging out with Blermf, Yael is showing Sam around and getting her ready to come with us, and Jessie is training with Flampt." Adira listed off.

"There you are (Y/N), you ready to go to Jack's Hub?" Tyler questioned you.

"I need to get the rest of my friends, then I will." You nodded in reply.

While Adira left to gather the others on stage, you double checked and triple checked your inventory to make sure you were completely prepared before joining them.

Felix, Dan, and Phil were already waiting for you with Yael, Adira, Sam, Middy, and Jessie.

"Good luck guys, and if things go south, get back here immediately." Ethan directed the team.

They nodded in understanding before Felix created a swirling blue portal that he let everyone step through before he followed them in.

Something was wrong.

No one was inside, the interior of the Hub dark and looked to be falling apart.

"What's going on?" Dan murmured softly as he glanced around him at his surroundings.

"Jack? Mark? Anyone?" You called out before falling silent so you could listen for a response.

After a moment, Felix motioned for everyone to spread out and look around to see what they could find, making sure no one went to far so they wouldn't be alone.

You found a familiar ego lying in one of the pale green hospital beds located in the room opposite of the stage, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping peacefully.

The fresh gash across his neck proved that he wasn't.

"Schneeplestien?" You whispered as you gently nudged the German doctor in the shoulder with your hand.

"Vhat? Jack..." Schneep mumbled feebly, managing to crack his crystal blue eyes open just enough to look at you.

"What happened?" You inquired as you searched for something that could stop the flow of blood running down Schneep's neck and onto his white lab coat.

" friend...." Schneep breathed out, his face deathly pale.

"He-he betrayed me...I've failed." Schneep coughed, causing the blood to trail down him at a faster rate.

"Shh, you'll be okay." You assured him, helping him slip his lab coat off so you could press it to Schneep's neck.

"Who did this?" You prompted, desperate for answers.

Schneep struggled to answer, only for his life to slip away with one last breath, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Cut on the neck..." you observed, instantly knowing what had happened.


You hastily ran out of the room to find the others to tell them your findings, spotting Felix standing by the stage in the front of the room.

"It's Anti, he's doing something." You panted to the Swede.

"Jack's terrorling." Felix muttered bitterly, his sky blue eyes shining with anger.

"I found Marvin in the library, but he was already dead." Yael chimed in once he reached you and Felix.

"Slit throat?" You guessed.

He nodded in reply, confirming your suspicions.

"I think I know where he could be, but we should move fast." Felix advised.

"What about Mark and Tim? We still need to find them!" You reminded Felix urgently.

"We need to stop Anti first before he completely destroys everything here." Felix pointed out.

"We found Chase's body in the weapon's room, but nothing else." Dan and Phil announced upon arrival.

"I find Jackaboy's body in the training room, but it's otherwise empty." Adira chimed in once she appeared with Sam and Jessie.

"Is there anywhere else we can check?" You frowned, desperate for more options.

"I think the hole to hell over there would be a viable option." Dan spoke up, gesturing to the pitch black hole in the wall next to the stage, one of Jack's tour posters fluttering over it.

Felix led the group inside with Dan and Phil in the back, the trio making sure you and your friends were protected.

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