when we first met.

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Charlotte is 16, lives in London goes to high school.
Blonde, tall, very pale.
Music lover, introvert, loves a good bit of alcohol.

It's the first day back of school tomorrow and I'm dreading it. School for me is a never ending cycle of pain and disappointment as you're never good enough for it's standards.
I keep to myself a lot but I do admire my close friends a lot.
Jamie is the gay best friend of the group as many may call him. You can chat his ears off and he'll still have great advice and is always encouraging me and Ella to talk to guys.
Ella is my best friend since day one. I can talk to her about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING no matter how serious or fucked up it is.
Then we have Blake, George and Reece the trio in the group that aren't as close but hang out with us everyday. We still love them dearly.

So I'm spending my last night of freedom with candles, an epic playlist and lots of ice cream.
This is my kind of peace. Something to really calm me down before hells gates open tomorrow. I head to the window when I hear some voices outside and I go for a bit of a nose. I see a moving van next door and a family unloading some boxes into the next door neighbours house. Tris didn't tell me we were having new neighbours. I don't bother with it and go back to my bed.
It's 10:57 and I decide I should try to sleep some time soon otherwise it'll make tomorrow even worse. I turn out the lights and fall asleep within five minutes.

The next day: 7:21am
I wake up to my alarm piercing my ears each time it buzzes. I forcefully wack it off the night stand and get out of bed.
I put on my mom jeans a mustard yellow top and my black vans. I leave my hair in its natural curls and head down to the kitchen.
At the moment I live with my brother Tristan as he's over 18 he can legally look after me as our parents are travelling 6 months out of the year anyways. We do fine on our own and he is quite the popular kid so basically the opposite of me.
As I walk through the doorway I immediately smell waffles. He knows how to make me happy.

Half an hour later I find myself dashing round the house as I have five minutes to get out the door. Tristan is giving me a lift but we are running late today. When I say we, I mean me.

I throw on my denim jacket and grab my black fuzzy black pack from urban outfitters and run down stairs once again to find Tristan at the door waiting for me.
It takes about five minutes to drive but twenty to walk so I wave good bye and dash to my locker as I'm five minutes late.

As I'm grabbing my maths textbook I hear the door opening down the corridor and out comes the head teacher with three boys who look new. I keep my head in my locker until they walk past and spy on them from behind only to be met with an unknown pair of eyes but I feel like I know them so well. After a few seconds I break out of his trance and get back to my locker and dash for my lesson giving him a small smile as I run.

I open the door and everyone's heads turn round to face me. I close the door and they turn back round.
"Late once again Charlotte."
"I'm sorry miss but there was a bit of traffic on the way to school."
"Miss Evans I'm afraid that excuse has been worn out. Late tomorrow and you'll be seeing me in detention. Do you understand"
"Yes miss" I say as I dump my bag on the floor next to my desk.
Luckily this is only registration so no effort is required apart from answering to your name in the register.
I turn round to Ella and Jamie and smile.
"How was the rest of your holiday?" I ask Ella, she went to Greece for the majority of the holiday.
"Amazing my tan could be better though" she says looking at her arms.
"Ella I swear to god you are a god damn goddess stop putting yourself down." Jamie says and we all chuckle.
I turn to the side and smile at the trio. They're chatting between themselves in what seems like a private conversation so I'll leave them for a bit.
The bell rings for first lesson and we all do our silly handshake with a good luck on the way out.
I walk as slow as possible to maths because I can't stand it. I reach the door and find the same boy I saw in the corridor this morning sitting next to my desk. Oh no.

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