first show.

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I woke up wrapped in Brads arms. The light was peaking through the window. I couldn't stop thinking about running away for a while. Is it a good idea? I mean we're still young and have our whole lives ahead of us. Brad has his band which could take off but what do I have? Nothing. I don't think it will work. But he doesn't have to remember if I don't mention it.

"What's worrying you?" Brad asks, stroking through my hair.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Don't lie to me Charlotte."

"It's really nothing. I just thought I'd left my phone somewhere." I lied.

"Okay." He says, not wanting to continue with this.

"Excited for the show?" I ask.
"Yeah it's gonna be great. You are coming right?" He looks at me.
"Of course I am! It's your first gig. My brothers in your band too remember."
"We should probably get up." He sits up and drags me up with him as I slouch once again.

We head downstairs for some breakfast to find Tristan on the couch with a party hat on.
I take a picture and laugh to myself trying not to wake him up.
"Wow he got a bit too drunk last night." Brad laughs.
"What a great role model." I say.

I put some pancakes in the microwave and get out the chocolate spread and strawberries. These pancakes were the only things that kept me running sometimes. They just taste like heaven.

I wake Tris up so he can get ready for their gig this evening and it was like waking the dead. I passed him some painkillers for his headache and told him to go clean himself up.

It got till about 12 when the rest of the boys got to our house to do some run throughs in the music room. I made them all coffee and tea and listened to them for a while. I walked up to my room and put in some earphones and just listened to some music. After a while I fell asleep and dreamt about flying through the sky. This was a recurring dream for me. They always had some sort of message.

There's always some signposts which usually give me a sign of direction and they have helped in the past. This time it was a sign saying brad with a massive cross through it. Because I was so confused I awoke once more immediately.

After changing into a bodycon dress, I walked back downstairs and they had just finished up packing the car to take to the venue.
"Thanks for the help." Connor joked.
"Sorry I fell asleep. Haven't had much sleep lately." I yawned.

We all got in the car and headed off. It took about 15 minutes to get there. As we were loading out the stuff Brad comes over to me.

"Are we still getting away." He whispers.
"I had some time to think and I really think it isn't a good idea." I looked to him.
"But why?" He looked disappointed.
"Because Brad. We're young and have no clue what life has in store for us." I say.
"What does that matter?" He replies.
"Well you have a band to carry on with and I need an education to get a job to support myself. I really think this isn't the best time for this." I weakly smile to him as I rest my head on his.

They set up all the gear and then do a sound check. I was on photography for the evening. I grabbed my camera and took a picture of them whilst they were standing with the instruments.

"This is the start to something great." I smile at them.
"High fives everyone this is it." James runs round giving everyone a high five.

The people begin to fill in the venue after a while and I notice a lot of girls around my age. Well it's a band of boys, they were bound to come running over the hills when they heard about it.

They start the show.
"Hi everyone I just wanted to say that this a massive deal for us and we want to say a massive thank you to the owner for allowing us to play tonight. So we better introduce ourselves. I am Brad." Brad says.
"I'm Connor." Connor waves.
"I'm Tristan." Tristan smiles.
"And I'm James." James gleams with happiness.
"We are a band called the vamps and we will be performing some songs for you lot tonight." Brad says. Wait? They have a name now?

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