the window situation.

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I get to school the next day trying to avoid Bradley in the morning. I didn't walk with him as I got a lift and I'm not too sure I'm wanting to hear what he has to say about last night.

I get in with about twenty minutes so I can chat to the group. Ella has obviously told all of them and I find them in a gossip circle and then as soon as they notice my presence they jump back into their seats.
"Smooth guys real smooth."
"Ella told us everything." Jamie says.
"I wonder why I'm not that surprised?" I say.
"Well you have to admit it's a story that I couldn't wait to tell."
"But it also wasn't your story TO tell," I reply pretending to be mad.
"Aw I'm sorry you know I love you." Ella grabs me into a hug.
"Love you too. So is there any other news anyone would like to share with the group?" I look around.
"Apparently that James the new kid is throwing a party on Saturday for the whole year." Jamie gossips.
"Wow sounds like he's trying hard to fit in with the popular kids." Blake says.
"Well are we going to this party?" George asks.
"I say we go pay them a visit and show them how to party properly." Reece joins in.
"Knowing you Reece you'll be off your head within half an hour with the alcoholic concoctions they'll make. You will look like you've never been to a party before!" I reply and everyone laughs.
"I'm up for it let's do this, two nights in a row it's party weekend." Ella puts her hand in the middle and we all do the same.

"I spy a window boy 9 o'clock" Jamie says as I turn my head round subtly to see Bradley standing there talking to James luckily facing away from us.
"Oh god cover me I can't be seen."
"Charlotte it's not that bad it's not like you were completely naked!"
"Well I could have been, knowing him he'll say to the others that I was!"
"Hey we don't know if he's a real dick yet, he hasn't done anything wrong!" Ella replies.
"Yet." I add.
The bell rings and everyone gets to their seats.
Luckily Bradley is sat on the other side of the room as me for registration.
It goes as normal but I keep seeing Bradley turn round every so often. I stare back and he immediately turns back round and I can see him blushing.

The bell rings and we all exit the room and head to our lessons. I had music first so I dashed along the corridor because I knew Bradley had the same lesson. Knowing the teacher he will put him with me as I was the tour guide yesterday.

I get to my seat and he walks in like a sheep not knowing where to go. The teacher starts to speak to him but he's too quiet. His head snaps towards mine as the teacher points to a desk next to me.
Bradley starts to walk over and pulls out the chair next to mine.
"Morning" he says with a brummie accent.
The teacher begins the lesson and then sends us in groups that he made to the practice rooms. Obviously Bradley was with me. I lead him to the best one filled with all the guitars, amps, drum kit and a piano.
His eyes widen as he steps inside and I take a seat with one of the guitars in my hands.
"You play?" I ask.
"Yeah since I was about 11. I was in pubs from 14 until 16 when I moved here."
"Good job! I'm not playing publicly but I do play." I say as I start to mess around with the strings.
We both sit in there just messing about.
"I don't suppose you sing do you?" He asks.
"Yeah on the occasion. Why?"
"Do you reckon you could sing whilst I play a song?"
"Depends what song."
"You choose, I bet you I know it!" He replies.
"Fine, only ones who know by the Arctic Monkeys."
He looks shocked as the words leave my lips.
"You're a fan of them?" I ask.
"Probably one of their biggest." He says with passion.
"Yeah I appreciate their music a lot. Well you going to play it or not?" I say as I grab the microphone stand and adjust it so I don't have to stand up.
He starts to strum the gentle chords and I sing.
"In a foreign place,
The saving was the feeling,
That it was a heart that he was stealing,
Or he was ready to impress"
I continue and I see Bradley staring at me.
"And even if somehow we could have
Shown you the place you wanted
Well I'm sure you could have made it that bit better on your own
And I bet she told a million people that she'd stay in touch
But all the little promises that don't mean much..."
I lose myself in the music and close my eyes the entire time. I don't notice that Bradley stopped playing the guitar and I feel a tear run down my cheek.
I stop immediately as I wipe the tear away.
"That was beautiful." Bradley says looking gobsmacked.
"Thanks, that song is really important to me." I pause. "You know we can-"
I get cut off by Bradley hugging me. I freeze at first but melt into the hug after a while.
"Thank you." I say as he loosens the hug.
"No problem, you seemed like you needed it." He says.
"Yeah it was." I say as I wipe the new tear on my cheek. "Do you want to do another song?"
"Yeah what about fluorescent adolescent? Cheer you up a bit if you're up for it?" He asks. I guess he isn't the dick me and my friends thought he was!
"Sure lets go for it!"
Bradley starts with the intro and I start to sing. This is more fun than I thought it would be!
"Oh the boys a slag
The best you ever had, the best you ever had is just a memory and those dreams"
He was right it definitely cheered me up. Whenever I sing this song I always think of the boy being Dan my ex which makes it 10 times more fun to sing and I get a bit angry at that part to release stress. Bradley joins in too for a while and I harmonise over the top.
"You're falling about
You took a left off last laugh lane
You were just sounding it out
You're not coming back again"
The song finished and we give each other a high five.
"That sounds sick!" He takes his headphones off.
"It did indeed! I can't wait to have music lesson next!" I reply.
Bradley looks at the clock "we have 5 minutes left what do you want to do?"
"We should pack this up and then just chat I guess." I say putting the microphone stand back to normal and Bradley puts the guitar back on the rack. I push the amp to the side of the room and put my headphones on the hook along with Bradleys.

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