5 questions, 1 dare

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PUNZIE: yay! I have a question!

HICCIP: we all have questions!

ALL: yay!

MERIDA: these questions/dares are from jordyn1111, Jack yours first

JACK: go on...

MERIDA: how long do you plan on being with Elsa?

JACK: for as long as we both shall live

HICCUP: sooooooo eternity

JACK: yeah pretty much

(NOTE: they use punzies hair to stay young, or they are guardians, whatever you like)

ELSA: aaaaaaaaaaw jack that's so swee~

JACK: but when we're married I will love another girl

ELSA: huh!?

JACK: and she will call you mommy!

GIRLS: aaaawwwwww

JELSA: *kisses*

HICCUP: 0_o *clears throat*

JELSA: *pulls away* sorry

MERIDA: anyway next question....Elsa how did it feel when you saw Anna frozen after she saved you?

ELSA: *tears up*

PUNZIE: here we go again

EVERYBODY BUT ELSA: ggggggggrrrrrr

ELSA: *crying a waterfall* I felt like my heart was ripped out of me, ran over by a car till its like paper and then put into a paper shredder!

JACK: *awkwardly taps back* there there

MERIDA: okay?...Punzie what was it like to be locked in the tower?

PUNZE: well I was lonely when mother wasn't there.,,, but then again I did have pascal, It also got a bit boring but then I did patch that up with cooking, painting, reading, making candles, making dresses, playing hide and seek, playing chess, playing~


MERIDA: okay onto the next question for the most amazing, fantastic, coolest person it the world that is full of awesomeness!

JACK: I knew it another question for me

MERIDA: no! For me ye jack-ass

JACK: are you sure because you just completely described me 😏


JACK: *raises hands in defence* alright!

MERIDA: thank you

JACK: I was only speaking the truth *mumbling*

MERIDA: that's it! *gets up and punches jack*


MERIDA: what he had it coming!

JACK: *unconscious*

HICCUP: ill get the first aid kit *pulls Punzie by hair*

ELSA: no! Just leave him

PUNZIE: wow what a girlfriend you are

ELSA: *shrugs*

MERIDA: anyway, Merida, what was it like when your mother first changed into a bear?

MERIDA: good question, well at first in my head I was like 'oh crap it's a bear everybody run!' But when I first realised it was my my mum I was very tempted to run, cause trust me my mum gets very cranky when I've done something wrong and I did not want to be bear food!


HICCUP:well that was um *clears throat* um emotional?


MERIDA: hiccup you want to hear your question now?

HICCUP: sure whenever your ready man *tries to act cool*

PUNZIE: *stares blankly at hiccup* no just no

MERIDA: Hiccup , do you still have feelings for astrid?... who the frick is astrid!

HICCUP: my ex and I'm not sure like 4.1 percent


HICCUP oh poop! *runs*

MERIDA: oh no you don't! *runs after him* I THINK I'D LIKE TO MEET THIS ASTRID!

PUNZIE: well he's toast

ELSA: tell me about it

JACK: *wakes up* what happened

PUNZIE: nothing much

MERIDA: *comes back*

ELSA: where's hiccup?

MERIDA: he's scared of me so he locked himself in the bathroom

ELSA: *sigh* i will try and get him out *walks off*

MERIDA: jack there is a dare for you, you have to pretend that you have feelings for me in front of Elsa and Punzie could you record her reaction

PUNZIE: sure *hides behind counter with video camera*

ELSA: guys hiccup won't come out of the bath~ *listens*

JACK: Merida I can't help but to feel something around you, something more than friends~


JACK: hey Elsa don't worry it was just a d~

ELSA: *hits Jack with a frying pan*

JACK: *collapses*

MERIDA: elsa! It was a d~

ELSA: MERIDA HOW COULD YOU *tries to hit her with a frying pan*

PUNZIE: *comes out from behind the counter in front of merida* no Elsa wait It was a~

ELSA: *accidentally hits Punzie instead of Merida*

PUNZIE: ~dare *collapses*

ELSA: wait what!? ... OMG I am so sorry *throws pan back but accidentally hits merida*

MERIDA: *collapses*

ELSA: oops

HICCUP: * walks in* hi *sees Elsa standing in the middle of Jack, Punzie and Merida's bodies* MURDERER!! *runs back to bathroom

ELSA: *sigh* *calls anna on phone*


ANNA: hi elsa, what's up?

ELSA: 🎵 do you wanna hide a body🎵

Hi guys! Just wanted to say they are not dead! My brother was just singing that and I wanted to include it!

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