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Darnell's Pov: 2 weeks later.

" are you sure she will be up soon? would she be late for work?" Claire asked me, as we stood at the door, of my room next to Daya's, the family had all come to visit Daya, with the approval of Michael of course, seeing as he was the director and we weren't sure if they would me allowed on set.

" she will be up and out of her room-" i begun but was cut off, by Daya's room door opening, and her rushing out of it, to Zac's room, Zac who she had gotten oddly really close to, over the 2 weeks, " Now." i chuckled.

" Zac!! wake the fuck up, where gonna be late!" Daya exclaimed and knocked on his door, " Zac!!" she continued, and rapidly knocked on the door, purposely trying to annoy him.

" Zen! would you stop!" Zac laughed as he answered the door, making her, knock on his bare chest in stead, " why do i even put up with you?" he joked to her.

Daya blushed and put her hand down, " Uhh sorry about that..." she awkwardly said to him, Zac chuckled at her, " and you put up with me because I'm amazing and adorable." she did a cute yet sassy face to him, flicking some hair over her shoulder, " Now hurry up and put a shirt on! where gonna be late!" she pushed him into his room, walking in with him as she did, making the door shut behind them.

" since when is she so close to Zac Efron?" Austin asked, grumbling a bit, seeing his little sister so close to a guy, Julien and Kaz doing the same.

" Since the night they stayed up until like 1 am, just talking." i answered them, making them look at me, surprised, just as the door opened and now a Zac with a shit on came out, Daya, following him, smiling.

" Come on, your driving me to work." Daya turned to Zac, before reaching up and fixed his hair a bit, their faces close together, making Daya and Zac freeze up a bit, "your hair was a bit messy..." she said to him, looking into his eyes, before letting out a shaky breath and pulled away from him.

Zac blinking at her a bit, " Um.. thanks.." he nodded to her, smiling, " lets head to set..." he said to her slowly, holding a hand out to her.

Daya smiled widely and grabbed his hand, letting their hands entwine together, " what do you think where doing today?" she asked him, as the two of them walked down the hall, hand in hand and smiling at each other.

" Okay whats going on with them?" Annabella spoke up, as the rest looked at Zac and Daya who where waiting for the elevator, both laughing and talking with each other, with stocked and wide eyes.

I chuckled, " those two have gotten so close over the 2 week span, if you can't find Daya, she's with Zac, if you can't find Zac, his with Daya." i told them, as we walked down the hall to the two.

" Zac!" Daya laughed as, he stole some chocolate off her, that she had taking out of her hand bag, " Boy get your own." she stuck her tongue our to him.

" i did." Zac told her amused, " that was my bar, you literally just took it form my room."

" yeah well its mine now." Daya shrugged at him, grinning and ate another bit of it, just as the elevator doors opened and we all walked in, " Ohh my god!! i didn't even know you guys where here!!" Daya exclaimed seeing the family with us in the elevator and hugged them all.

They all laughed at her, greeting her with hugs and kisses, before greeting Zac, who greeted them back politely, making Daya smile at him, and him back to her, as the family and i looked between the two.

Daya grinned and pulled out a whole knew bar of chocolate from her bag and gave it to him, "i have like 5 in here." she laughed at him.

" so why did you steal mine?" Zac asked her, grinning and took it off of her, opening it and ate some.

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