No One's Pov:
" I'm so sorry, Zac..." Daya said to Zac softly, once they had calmed down, " i didn't let you grieve, i didn't ask how you where feeling, i didn't even talk to you for most days after we found out, i blocked myself off and for that i am so sorry, i left you to deal with it yourself." she hugged him tighter.
Zac shut his eyes and hugged her to him, tightly, " it's okay, i knew that you needed to be by yourself of a bit, so i waited, if you where in the kitchen, i would sit at the dining, if you where in the library, i would do my paperwork and if you where in our room, i would lie next to you, and just be there just in case you ever need to reach out to me, Daya you don't need to be sorry, we all deal with things in a different way, yours is to block yourself out and think about it all."
Daya sighed, " and yours is to pretend your okay, when your not, i guess where both bad at dealing with things." she told him, smiling slightly.
" with our past, i understand it." Zac replied, opening his eye's, " is Cameron okay?" he asked, her, Daya looked over his shoulder and nodded.
" I think she fell asleep watching something." she giggled and pulled away from Zac, " i think we needed that, i mean i can actually look at Cameron and not have my heart ache anymore."
Zac nodded, " i guess we did." he kissed her forehead and stood up, helping her up as well, " is Alexander and Maree still in here?" he asked her curious.
Daya nodded and smiled widely, " Do you think they will let us see Katy?" she asked, him, eyes back to being bright.
" well of course we would!" Alexanders voice came from the doorway, making everyone turn to him and Maree,to see them smiling, Maree still in a wheel chair, holding a baby in her arms and Alexander next to her.
" we heard what happened... we walked past just as you two where talking..." Maree gave them a warm smile, " would you like to hold Katy? i heard from Alexander that she liked you." she asked Daya.
Daya gasped, " me? your asking if i would like to hold her? why?" she asked, confused and surprised.
Maree chuckled, " Because you need it, trust me i know." she said and gestured Daya to her.
Daya looked uneasy and walked forward, leaning down a bit, as Maree placed Katy in her in her arms, smiling, before she stood up straight and looked at the baby in her arms, tilting her head bit at her and smiled widely.
" Ohh your adorable!" Daya cooed at Katy, letting the baby play with her finger, " and you have your Dad's eyes i see, Maree your very lucky, you have such a gorgeous daughter." she looked to Maree, smiling.
Maree nodded and giggled, " Very lucky, her having Alex's eyes is a bonus, their such a gorgeous shade of light -"
" Blue." Maree and Daya said together before giggling, " Yeah, blue eyes like theirs is quite amazing to look at right?" Daya asked Maree, smiling at Zac a little, still playing with the baby in her arms.
Maree nodded, " Their the best, all out kids somehow ended up getting them, thankfully my-"
" Brown eyes are so plain and boring." Daya finished for her, making the two laugh with each other, " sorry this is odd, but you and your husbands names are mine and my husbands middle names."
" Its not odd." Alexander shook his head, " sometimes life shows you the future in strange ways." he grinned at Daya and Zac, who came over to Daya and looked over her shoulder looking at Katy and smiled widely, before making funny faces at her, making the baby somewhat giggle at him, " i hope out future selves have as much love as Maree and i do."

FanfictionThis is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy ideas at 3 am , so Don't criticise it or come at me, Thank you.