No One's Pov: The Next Day.
" Hey Guys!" Darnell's exclaimed, as he and the ret of the family walked into the Zac's Hospital room, which essentially was Daya's as well seeing as she would not leave him, so Anne wheeled in another bed in for her, connecting the two bed to make one big one for the couple.
" Hey!" Daya exclaimed back, looking up from the book she was reading, dressed in pyjama shorts and a singlet , sitting next to Zac who was playing on his playstation, that he asked Paul to bring to the hospital, along with clothes and stuff for him and Daya, in tracksuit pants and shirtless.
" Hey guys." Zac greeted, politely but looked really focused on the tv screen on the wall opposite the two beds, just as the family sat on chairs around the room, the cast had to go back to work, unfortunately, but seeing as Daya and Zac, where not healthy enough to go back to work, they where off until further notice from Anne.
Daya who had gone back to reading her book, looking up to look at Zac, who had his gaming head phones on, though had down it so Daya could hear what was going on from the tv as well, focusing on the screen really hard, concentration on some game he was playing.
" your not gonna get his attention." Julien chuckled at his little sister, who was staring at Zac, " all men love their games, you can't get their attention."
Austin nodded agreeing, "it a true fact, we just get into games and in the zone, that we kind of black out everything around us." he added, shrugging.
" Men..." Daya sighed, closing her book and placed it on the bed next to her, " you guys are so ridiculous..." she shook her head at them, eyeing Zac, who was still into his game, pressing the buttons on the controller ferociously, before reaching her hand out and poked him a bit, in the shoulder, " Zac." she said to him, but nothing happened, making Austin and Julien laugh at her.
" Ohh..." Daya narrowed her eyed at Zac, before a idea came to her mind, eyes lighting up and a grin came to her face, before she slowly moved around him, wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him, as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek, " Hey My King..." she said to him softly smiling at him.
Zac paused and smiled, dropping his remote and leaned back, pulling her onto his lap, making her squeal and laugh at him, " Whats up, My Queen?" he asked her, smiling and hugging her to him.
" Nothing much." Daya shrugged and grinned at him, "Your characters dying." she point at the screen.
Zac shrugged, " Don't really care." he told her, grinning back and hugged her more, as she giggled and leaned into him, " Your way better then a game."
Daya turned her head to her gapping brothers and stuck her tongue out to them, " what was that about getting his attention? that he wouldn't give me any if his playing?"
" Dude your just gonna let your character die!" Julien exclaimed to Zac, pointing at the screen.
" Daya's better then any game i could play, why would i want to play a game if i can hug her?" Zac replied, smiling.
Austin whistled impressed, " well that love right there, if a guys stops playing his beloved games for his girlfriend, he must really really love her." he nodded to Zac, who grinned and nodded back.
" Of course i love her! she's my everything." Zac told him, hugging Daya still, as she smiling, lovingly on his lap, snuggling into him.
Daya picked up the remote and looked at it, pressing a button on it, making it go back to the home screen, " Oh sorry!" she looked up Zac, shyly, " i was just trying to see what different buttons do..." The family all chuckled at her, as Zac did as well.

FanfictionThis is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy ideas at 3 am , so Don't criticise it or come at me, Thank you.