Passion fruit:

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No One's Pov: 2 days later.

Zendaya had just gotten to the hospital for work, yes work... she had gotten a call from Anne, saying that they where under staffed and she was needed, and seeing as he didn't have work today she decided it would be a good idea to get into the field, Anne's boss had got Daya to sign a connect allowing her to be a doctor in the hospital for one day or day's if she was really needed.

" Daya!" Hugh's voice called out to her, making her confused and turning to the voce, looking up from a folder shows reading though, to see the cast and some of the family running up to her, some had shocked looked to see her in a black pencil skirt, blue button up and black heels with a white doctors coat on with her ID on it, hair in a bun and glasses on.

" wha-! what are you guys doing-" she was about to exclaimed when a bed pulled up next to her, showing Cameron, who played one of the daughters on it, red and looking very irritated, lips swelling up, " Shit!" Daya exclaimed and tired to the nurses, " get her to room, 301, she's having an anaphylactic shock! " she commanded them, before they nodded and quickly moved the bed off.

Daya quickly moved after them, grabbing an Epipen on the way and entered the room quickly, " Move out of the way." she shooed everyone, staring at Cameron's bed, " Okay Cameron, I know your scared right now, but its okay..." she said to Cameron softly, getting the Epipen ready, " Okay so you know who I am... its okay, don't be afraid...look I have to give you this needle to help you." she grabbed Cameron's hands firmly, seeing the little girls scared face.

Cameron nodded as much as she could, Daya nodded back and quickly injected it into Cameron's thigh, making the little girl, cry a bit at the pain, before Daya pulled it out, " Okay okay... I know sweetie but it will help you..." she said to Cameron softly and rubbed her hand a bit, holding her to her chest, letting her cry, as the nurses came in and gave Daya stuff, making her let of of the little girl.

" your a very brave little girl." Daya said to Cameron, lying her down on the bed, seeing the Epipen take action and was helping, as she covered her up, grabbing her hand gently and wiped it with on antiseptic, " a lot braver then I would have been." she continued, making sure Cameron was distracted from the cannula she was putting in to connect a drip, with the medicine needed for her.

" can you tell me if you ate anything that might of made your mouth feel funny?" Daya asked, as she connected the drip, smiling at Cameron, warmly.

" Passon fruit." Cameron let out raspy, in a small voice.

Daya nodded and grabbed the chart the nurse left for her, looking though it, " Hm..." she hummed and turned to the door, seeing everyones, shocked faces, ignoring them and gestured the parents to her, who quickly moved forward, looked scared as hell, " She's okay, she just had a anaphylactic shock, or also know as a allergic reaction, it seems that she may be allergic to Passion fruits." she explained to them, giving them a warm smile.

" but she has never had a reaction to it before." The mom pointed out, shocked, as the husband hugged her a bit.

Daya nodded, " I understand that Ma'm, but sometimes if its not a common thing to eat daily and she's eaten it once or twice in her life, her body is still leading up to the reaction, its not a immediate thing, so this time she ate it, the body reacted to it, after the small times she had it before when it was still processing it." Daya explained to them,

" don't worry, its nothing to be scared about, in fact its very common in children to have these reactions, but Cameron is connected to some, medication that will help with the swelling and open up her air ways, more properly again, I can also apply some rash ointment to help if you would like, but unfortunately the rash and itchiness its self will have to pass."

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