No One's Pov:
" you have the same last name as Zac!" Cameron exclaimed as she calmed down from laughing and read Daya's ID card that was clipped to her coat.
Data laughed and nodded, " Yeah I do, but shh... not many people know..."she held a finger to her lips, smiling.
Cameron nodded, "Okay ill keep your secret." she smiled at Daya, " but what about them?" she pointed to the rest of the cast.
Daya giggled at their shocked faces, " Surprise?" she asked, doing some jazz hands, before holding a hand up, seeing as they where about to ask question, " don't ask, very long story, along with me becoming a doctor."
" right..." Hugh said slowly and nodded with the others, " well congratulations!" he smiled happily at Daya and Zac.
Daya and Zac laughed, " Thank you." they said together, grinning, as they all congratulated them and laughed.
" so who doesn't know?" Keala asked, curious.
" our families." Daya answered, dryly, " for one Zac's parents are racist and mine well mostly my dad doesn't approve or understand us."
" wait what!?" Yahya went wide eyed and turned to Zac, his grandparents and brother, shocked.
Zac nodded sadly, " they would never like Daya... but in all honesty i couldn't care less, Daya has opened my eyes to a new world, i would never let that go, i love her to much." he told everyone, smiling.
" I love you, too." Daya smiled at him, lovingly, " I'm so glad i married you."
" trust me I'm so glad you married me." Zac nodded at her, grinning, " even better that it would make my parents heads explode."
Daya laughed and nodded, " and if or when they find out i own half of Efron industries! they will freak!"
" Efron industries? as in one of the biggest companies in the world? how could i have not connected the dots with that one!" Keala exclaimed.
Zac and Daya nodded, " we own it now, it was past down to Zac and Dylan but Dylan didn't want it, so it was all given to Zac but since i married him, he had signed a contract stating that i now owned half of the company with him." Daya explained.
" and where killing it together." Zac grinned and got up, sitting next to Daya, " Whats up, Cammy?" Zac asked, Cameron.
" Daya was showing me her heart thingy." Cameron grinned happily.
" a stethoscope." Daya corrected her, chuckling, " its okay you don't need to know that, it a habit."
" a s- teth- oscope..." Cameron copied her slowly, " so thats what its called!" she exclaimed, gigging, " it has a funny name."
Daya nodded, gigging herself, " it does don't it?"
" do you have anything else i can play with? i promise to be careful." Cameron asked her, interested and curious.
Daya chuckled and reached into her doctors coat pocket, pulling to a reflex hammer, " so this..." Daya gestured to it in her hand, as Cameron watched in fascination, " is to text your reflexes, like so..." she said, before tapping a certain point on Zac's knee making him kick forward quickly, before relaxing.
" Ohh!" Cameron said, before laughing, " Can i try?!" she asked excited, as Zac and Daya, chuckled at her.
"sure." Daya nodded and handed it to her, as Cameron moved in-between her and Zac, grabbing it gently, " so you jut hit this bit, not to hard but not to soft either." she told Cameron, pointing to a part on her knee, Cameron nodded, before doing it, making Daya kick forward slightly, before relaxing, as Cameron laughed in fascination.

FanfictionThis is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy ideas at 3 am , so Don't criticise it or come at me, Thank you.