No One's Pov:
It had been 2 days since the fire incident had occurred, 2 days since Zac had been admitted into hospital and 2 days since, Daya had actually moved from his bedside, of course she would only move to go to the bathroom, but for most of the time, she held it in for as long as she could before actually going.
Her family had managed to get her to at least change from her costume into some more comfy clothes but https about all they have managed to get her to do... and they where very worried. Daya had not eaten or drunk anything and everyone who came to visit Zac could see that...
Agreeing to Zac's wishes the family had not be called and luckily the fire was not on the news and Zac's admission into hospital has been kept quite.
So yeah... thats where the story leads us today... in the hospital room of Zac Efron....
" She still not eating or drinking?" Kaz asked Anne, as they stood at the doorway of Zac's room, sadly looking at Daya, who held hands with Zac's limp one, not looking away once again.
Anne, sighed and shook her head, " she won't eat or drink anything, she says she can't"
Claire sighed and walked up to Daya, careful not to scare her and gently crouched down beside her, " Daya... come on, you have to eat or at least drink some water..." she told her daughter softly and slowly, holding a muffin out to her, that she and the family had gotten her, down at the cafeteria.
Daya shook her head, " Zac's not eating, his lying in a hospital bed un conscious..." Daya replied to her mom, gripping Zac's hand and tears coming to her eye's, " and i can't"
" why can't you?" Zink asked, as the rest of them came over, and sat near her.
" i just don't think ill be able to eat." Daya responded, still not talking her eyes away from Zac.
Hugh groaned, " Daya please try and eat something! your getting sick, Zac had the drip to give him the nutrients of not eating." he begged her, as the others nodded agreeing, not licking one bit at how they noticed Daya, had darn and big bags under her eyes, she looked exhausted and she seemed to have lost weight from not eating, they even noticed that when she got up to go to the bathroom, she was shaky and weak.
" Daya, Zac would want you to eat..." Keala told her gently, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Daya whimpered a bit, gripped Zac's hand tightly and looked up at them, looking at all the worried faces for her, before sighing and gently grabbed the muffin out of her moms hand, taking a small bite of it, turning back to Zac and continued take tiny bites, as they all smiled happily, seeing that she ate, even if it was a small amount.
" Bad idea!" Daya said, wide eyed, before getting up and sprinted to the bathroom, in the room, the family sat there in shock at her sudden movements before hearing gagging and vomiting coming from there, Anne quickly moved in there, grabbing some supplies on the way.
" are you okay, dear?" The family all heard Anne, asked Daya, in a warm and soft voice.
" Anne, i can't eat anything! i wanted to keep it a secret but no matter what i ate yesterday, i just ended up throwing it up!" Daya groaned, tiredly to Anne, " drinking is just as bad, it feels like there is something in my throat preventing me to." she continued, before the sink turned on, in the bathroom, as the family sat there, shocked to hear what she had just said.
" Daya! your waisting away! " Anne exclaimed, as the sink turned off, before Daya and Anne, came into view, Anne holding Daya and wiped her mouth a bit, seeing as it was still wet from brushing her teeth, for support and sat her down back in her chair, next to Zac, which she immediately grabbed Zac's hand.

FanfictionThis is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy ideas at 3 am , so Don't criticise it or come at me, Thank you.