The perks of being alive

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Charlie pov~

I woke up again in the small white room. It felt like a prison. Only smaller. It only felt like home when my older sister and brother came, but no one shows up to see me.

Not even my mom but that is fine. Cause I have known for a while that the only reason people stay is because they love or care about you.

A couple mins after I woke up my doctor came in.

Her name was Dr. jeffcoat. She was really sweet but made me feel small.

She ask me the same question she asked me yesterday and the day before that.

"How are you Charlie" Dr. jeffcoat said.

I replied with "I'm doing fine everything has been going great".

She opens my pills from the counter and hands me a water bottle.

I swallow down the pills but it doesn't help how I feel inside.

She gives me a brightening smile but I just keep my head down. Dr. jeffcoat says "I promise things will always get better". I tell her " everyone goes through the same hell but fight different demons".

She just stood there stunned and startled.

I never blurt things out loud, but this one time I had to. I was fine just like everyone else I didn't need anyone's help.

I just couldn't tell my doctor that or she'll keep me in here forever...

Dr. jeffcoat finally walks out of the room and into the crowded hallway.

I've always told myself things get better things get better.

I'm gonna be leaving here soon and be living with a temporary home.

I don't really remember what actually happen to me before the day I called my sister.

After that I honestly forgot most things. I still remembered my ABCs and my 123 but not my family or friends.

"WHY DON'T THEY EVER COME TO SEE ME"!! I screamed but no one came.

No one would tell me what happen to them why they stop showing up. I know how my mom, sis , and brother look like, but ever since 4 months ago they never show.

"Don't worry there coming for me I know it" I tell myself and start crying.

"No one cares about you, no one cares about you" I say again to myself.

I have these voices in my head and they don't go away. My doctor said the medicine is suppose to help but it only makes me feel numb.

I'm required to wear long sleeves because of my cuts

all through my arms and wrist.

They don't want me seeing them and get bad again...

The only bad part I know there their.

They're scars that will never go or leave me.

I felt so bad for everything I've put people through, but I promise I won't hurt anyone again.

Dr. jeffcoat came back in and started to hand me a slip of paper.

It wrote in big black letters "BYE".

I looked at her with confusion.

She than explain that it was time for me to leave and live my life. She said " your gonna be 15 I don't want you living your life in these walls, I've made you a family for you to live in".

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