Chapter 5

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"Hello help please, anyone" I said screaming. I don't think anyone heard me though. It was really dark i couldn't see anything even if I wanted to.

"Okay vitals seem good, heart rate good okay" I heard someone say.

Than a door slammed open.

"Charrrrrliiiiiie" I heard amber screamed but I couldn't see her.

"Is he okay" Jerry said.

"Sadly, no he's in critical condition, he's in a coma and hasn't been showing signs of waking up" the woman said. She was probably a nurse.

"Okay, when will he we got him some stuff" amber said.

"I don't know maybe in like 7 hours" the nurse said.

Shit I couldn't see anything I can't move my body is so numb, someone one help me.

The door opened again.

"Hey amber, is Charlie okay" Juli said walking in.

"Hey" Michael said probably to Jerry .

"What's up with Charlie" said with a deep voice.

"Okay, he's in a coma and probably not waking up anytime soon anything else you need" the nurse said impatiently.

"No were fine thank you" amber said with a attitude.

The door closed and the group kept talking. After about 35 mins the door opened again.

"Hey I'm sorry practice ran a little late, Kevin's soccer didn't end until 4:56 and my swim didn't end until 4:30 sorry, is Charlie okay" Elizabeth said.

"Hey you guys" Kevin chimed in.

They started to have a conversation but I didn't really care to listen. I fell asleep and than I woke up. I mean actually woke up I could see stuff again it was amazing.

I looked around the room and saw this girl I didn't recognize before. She was sleeping on the couch by the windows.

"Hey"i said nervously

She rose from her slumber. She was honestly very pretty and small.

"Hey I'm sorry we haven't formally met, but I'm Olivia" she said walking over to shake my hand.

I was honestly word less she was so beautiful. She had brown hair that was Long and wavy. Her eyes were hazel with cute little freckles by her nose. Her hands felt so soft. She was just perfect.

"So are you okay Charlie" she said with sad eyes.

"Yes, I mean yea I'm fine, why did you stay here with me". I looked to see what time it was. It was almost 3 in the morning.

"Cause I just thought you needed someone and it seemed like a good way to introduce myself.

"Oh" was the only thing I could say.

All I could think was is to wrap her in my arms while we watched tv and I would never let her go.

"Well Charlie I'm not going anywhere let's talk" she said smiling. I think she was trying to make me feel better.

"Um... Wanna maybe play 21 questions" I said. I wanted to get to know her.

"Okay sure, you first" she said.

"What is your favorite movie" I asked. "I really like the breakfast club or grease or the ring or i don't know I have so many" she said with a short laugh.

"So Charlie what is your favorite book, I know you like to read" She said punching my shoulder playfully.

"I really like the book to kill a mockingbird, that was the first book my English teacher in freshman year assigned to the class" I Remembered that year. My friends, Sam Patrick.

"Oh that's a good one" Olivia said bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Are you single" I said. I was stupid to ask that.

"Actually yes ever since 8th grade" she said still happy. She didn't seem to mind.

"How about you" she asked.

"Yup haven't dated anyone other than this one girl her name was marry Elizabeth, she was a senior while I was a freshman and it didn't last very long" I said looking dead into her beautiful gray eyes.

"Oh, okay" she said looking away from me.

"Well Charlie I know you'll find someone" she finally spoke after the long silence.

I know I already have someone in mined, but I couldn't tell her that. We just met.

I but my lip and looked at her lips. They were pink and glossy and amazing.

"Um... favorite food" I asked realizing it was my turn.

"Pizza!" she said almost instantly.

I couldn't help myself and let out a laugh. She was so cute and wonderful.

"What" she said laughing.

"Nothing your just beautiful" I said looking at her eyes.

"What" she said. She seemed confused.

"Well you are, is it wrong to tell you" I said laughing making it seem friendly.

"Okay I'm so glad were friends" she said.

"Charlie can we finish our chat some other time, I may be best leaving now, see you at school feel better bye" she said leaving out the doors.

After she left I fell asleep I needed some rest.


Olivia POV:

I walked out of the hospital and into the Parking lot. It was only 5:00 am. Meaning I had about 3 hours of sleep.

I got into my car and turned on my radio.

"Cause baby you and I , we don't have to be like them, we can make it through the end" I singed along.

I liked Charlie a little bit. He was really cute and sweet, but he wouldn't like me. So I snapped out the thought from my memory and and began to sing again.

I pulled into my driveway and into the house.

"Where do you think you were going" I heard my mom say from the living room.

"Mom I was in the hospital okay" I said to her.

"Why what happen" she said worried.

"My new friend Charlie was in a coma so I stayed there until he woke up, and he did I didn't want to leave him, you know" I said looking sad.

"Oh, okay I understand just tell me okay, I'm worried for you" she said.

"I know mom, but that's not going to happen to me. I'm smart and im not going to end up like her" I said.

I didn't want her worried after what happen with my older sister.

"Okay love you goodnight" I said wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheeks.

"Love you too, night get some sleep" she said.

I ran up the stairs and up to my room. I slipped off my boots and went to bed. I didn't care about my clothes I just wanted to sleep.

Than the alarm went off to soon. It was time for school and maybe see Charlie.

Stop he doesn't like you so stop thinking about him I told myself.


So guys what you think. Thanks for the support I love you all.

Comment on what I should do. Ship Charlie with Olivia? yes or no?

well thank you for all. Also follow me on

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Thanks love you all


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