This is my life.

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I'm standing in front of a body mirror glacing at myself in my wedding dress. I drown out the words my mother are sitting at me. Standing up straight, ignoring the pain in my joints. Just staring at my made up face that could barely cover the baggy eyes. While the lipstick covered my lifeless cold lips, the contacts hid away my red eyes. 

I shut my eyes and go back to the last time I was happy.

"Princess." Jay? Is that you?

"Princess." I open my eyes to see my lifetime love, Jay Park.

"Wake up." He says to me. What do you mean wake up? I am awake.

"I love you so much please. Please open your eyes."

Closing my eyes, I open them to find myself in a hospital. What the hell?

In a long white hall way, I hear voices. Walking to it, I go to the room to see myself on the hospital bed and Jay at my side. Oh shit. Whats going on.

I go in and stand over my body. Make up gone, I can really see how sick I look. I didn't realize that I had let myself go. Between work and the wedding, Ive been so stressed. I look over to Jay but don't see my mother nor the groom. As soon as I think about them I jump to the waiting room right in front of them.

My groom shakes his head, "Look I cant marry a corpse." He says to my mother.

"We'll just hold off on the wedding then." He gets angry and starts to walk off but my mother desperately stops him.

"Wait. Once she wakes up you'll be married and we'll both we rich. It's a win win. So go home chill off with that girl of yours. Shower and come back to see your bride." He rolls his eyes and undies his tie. Leaving he doesn't look back or anything.

I go back to my mother as shes making a phone call.

"Yes she is. How much did you say her policy was?" She pauses and almost chokes.

"50 million dollars???" She has this huge smile on her face. In disgust, I go back to my room where Jay was still watching over me.

"I should have told you before. I should have stopped this wedding. I should have done more. I was so heartbroken that I didn't help you. I'm so sorry."

"Ah Jay." My mother soon walks in, "Who let you in?"

Defensively he states, "Shes my best friend."

"Get out."

"Did you know how sick she was?"

"Why does that matter? You're not her husband."

"Speaking of him, why isn't he here?"

"Get out."

"No." The doctor comes in.

"Tell this man to get out."

"Well he has a right to be here."


"Because he is the spouse."

"What?! How is that possible?"

Jay starts off with, "We got married in the United states. Legally I'm her husband. I'm on her emergency contact list."

Oh shit. Jay revealed it.

My mother was baffled, "Why didn't she tell me."

"Because you would have killed her for her money but you can't have it unless you go through me." My mother was in a panic.

"No. Noo!" She stomped her way out.

I follow her out. She keeps calling someone but can't get through. She pulls up to the grooms house and runs in using her key.

Sitting on the couch, he looks up at my mother.

"Uh, what are you doing here?"

"My daughter, she is already married?" Shocked he stood up.

"What? To who and how?"

"If your married in the United States, that carries over to South Korea. It's over. It's all over but lucky for me, if she dies I still get money." I felt sick, that I called this woman my mother. I have to get back, I have to wake up.

I jump back to my body. I stand over myself, focusing on a way back. I feel this hard wall but I had to fight it. If I don't, she wins. Jay needs me. I love him and I need to apologize to him. I was so scared when my mother threatened his life when we eloped. She would send letters and emails. Any way she could contact me. I was a chicken but I did it because I love him. If I don't return, it's all over.


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