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⚠️I don't know anything about courtrooms so if I get things wrong I apologize⚠️

⚠️I don't know anything about courtrooms so if I get things wrong I apologize⚠️

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Niall's p.o.v
Me and zayn we're heading to the courtroom already I was wearing gray suit with red tie while zayn wear  pink suit because he was to "represent" Abigail as her godfather
*arriving courtroom*
We we're arriving the court room we saw fans outside screaming zayn got my hand we got out the car where are security was waiting for us when the fans noticed us they started screaming like
"Justice for Harry"
"Let Harry see his kid"
"You're bad mother" that made me bit sad if only they knew what harry said to me they'll understand the me and zayn was going thru security check we went to the courtroom lectern waiting for Harry and Louis i decide not get lawyer but Harry did the lawyer arrived was standing next lectern
*2 minutes later*
I heard the fans screaming again
"I guess Harry finally arrived" zayn mumbled my ear I rolled my eyes
"I know toke him long enough" I mumbled back
I saw Harry and Louis walking up to the lectern they gave me and zayn glare zayn gave them a glare back
*few minutes later*
The judge was finally arriving the security was handing him the papers
"This is case of Harry Styles and Niall Horan your honor"  the judged nodded looked at us
"So Mr.Horan and Mr.Styles who wants to explain what's going on"
I was about to open mouth when Harry lawyer beat me  to it
"good morning your honor and Mr.Horan isn't letting my client seen his child" the judge nodded again looked at me
"If I'm correct you're pregnant right now"
"Yes your honor"
"How many months are you Mr.Horan"
"6 months sir"
"Why are you not letting Mr.Styles see his child Mr.Horan"
"Well your honor I didn't find out I was pregnant right away I found out when I was 1 month me and mr.styles we're dating the time when I wanted to surprise him I found him cheating with Mr.Tomlinson which the gentleman next to him when me and Mr.Styles agreed to meet up he told me to abort the baby I wasn't going to kill my own flesh and blood sir that's why I'm forbidding him to see her"
"Your honor Mr.Styles doesn't wanna have relationship with Mr.Horan he just wants to have Relationship With their daughter"
"I don't wanna My daughter around Mr.Styles and Mr.Tomlinson sir I feel
Like their bad influence to her"
"How so Mr.Horan" the judge asked me
"We'll for one their always having sex don't care who's there with them one they have come to my house saying harsh words to me lastly Louis is always cussing"
"I'm sorry Mr.Horan but I'm going to order that Mr.Styles have relationship with his daughter he'll be there for the appointment and birth he'll have him Friday's, Saturday and Sunday he'll have her every Father's Day any holiday you guys agree on" he left the room
I looked at zayn shocked he looked shocked back I looked at Harry and Louis saw them smirking
We're leaving before we left the door I grabbed Harry's arms
"I have appointment on Friday don't miss it meet me my house if you're not there by 12 i won't wait for you" I left the court with zayn following me we drove off home
Harry's p.o.v
I won the case me and Louis we're leaving the parking lot we saw Niall car drive off fast
"Why do want to have relationship with your daughter that badly Harry"
"Because me and Gemma didn't have good relationship with our dad i don't want her to have that"
Louis gave me small smile "you'll be great dad Haz" he said kissing me the cheek I gave smile the showed my dimple
*arriving home*
I was walking the door saw Liam the kitchen he looked at me
"Did you win" I nodded "yeah I'll have her the weekends tho I'll have Friday thru Sunday which is better than nothing" he nodded
"Congrats Haz you'll be great Dad" I thanked him we started eating.

Do you think what the judge did was good?
Do you think Harry deserves to have relationship with his daughter ?

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