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* 2 weeks later*
Niall's p.o.v
Today is Tuesday I have doctor appointment on Friday since I haven't been feeling good
I think I'm pregnant again I'm having the symptoms I had with Sophia
I was Sophia school waiting for it to be 3 right now it's 2:53 Harry couldn't make it he said something about someone important coming over
It's probably Anne or Gemma
I saw other parents other siblings arriving the school as well some gasped or giggled some even took of pictures of me
I sigh I guess they don't know what  personal space is
I was my phone trying to call Harry but he wasn't answering I heard the school bell ring I heard Sophia little voice
"Mommy" I heard Sophia scream I looked up I saw her running up to me I picked her up
"Hi baby how was school" I said kissing her the cheek while making our way to the car
"Good I got A+ my math addition test today are you proud of me mommy"
"Of course baby I'm always proud of you"
I said while putting her the car seating shutting the door making my way to driver side turning the car on
I drove off the school campus I decide to take Sophia to McDonald's to get anything she wants after that we drove home
*arriving home*
I was parking the car the parking lot till I saw some another car didn't look like Anne's or Gemma car
I was bit confused but I turned off the car helped Sophia out the car got the McDonald's bag put the table while Sophia sat down stared eating
I started making my way to the room I was front of the door I heard like groaning and Moaning
It all came back to me the car outside Belongs to Louis
As I remember I slammed the door open
Harry was top of Louis making out half their clothes were off they we're just their boxers
"Are you  serious right now Harry" i said yelling not trying to curse remembering Sophia the kitchen eating
"NIALL" he said sounding surprise getting off Louis putting his pants shirt on quickly
"Really harry I thought you change" I said trying to calm down I looked over at Louis saw him smirking
"You think this is cool huh louis break my family again for you harry I want you out my house out my and my daughter life"
i wasn't gonna say I was pregnant again because I didn't knew for sure
"Hello mate long time no see" Louis said still smirking at me I glared at him
"Shut up Louis why the hell did you kiss my boyfriend"
"His your boyfriend he never mentioned he was your boyfriend he said you guys we're just friends he was the one who kissed me first"
I slowly turned my head to Harry gave him a glare
He looked down on the floor
"Sophia come here please" I said screaming Sophia name I heard little foot steps coming from the steps
"Yes mommy" she said while eating her happy meal
"Say goodbye to your father he's leaving"
"Where is he going" she said looking between me and harry she noticed Louis she hid behind my leg becoming shy
"Say goodbye to your father Sophia"
"Niall please don't make me leave I worked so hard for you our daughter please it was honest mistake"
I so badly wanted to forgive him hug kiss him but I can't forgive him that easily anymore I shook my head
"No harry I can't forgive you anymore I've given you so much chances you just wasted them I can't anymore just go with Louis adopt with him or get surrogate with him I don't care just not with me anymore"
I said while Sophia was still hiding behind my leg
"You know what fuck you Niall Louis is much better than you anyways I might as well marry him"
I felt tears my eyes but I quickly wiped away
"Fine with me" I said throwing his clothes his face
While Louis was picking up putting in Harry's suitcase
"Bye baby"
harry said trying to pick up Sophia from behind my leg but Sophia didn't let him
she kept pushing his arm away
"You big bully so is he" she said pointing at Louis
"You spoiled little brat" Louis said I got mad
"Don't call my daughter a spoiled little brat she was raised without father she's going to be raised without father" I said yelling at both their face while picking up Sophia
Harry bumped into me so hard that i almost fell to the ground
"Whore" I heard Louis whisper to me I quickly flipped him off so Sophia couldn't see
I heard the door slammed shot I walked the window
Before Louis drove off me and Harry made eye contact for second before Louis driving off quickly
"They're meanies" I heard Sophia say I forgot that I was carrying her
I put her back down she looked at face she frowned
"Don't cry mommy papa meanie you beautiful" she said smiling at me
"Thank you baby you're beautiful too you're the greatest"
She smiled at me gave me hug I hugged her back
"You might become big sister Sofie you might have baby sister or baby brother"
She looked at me smiled at me widely
"I'm going to become big sister momma" I nodded
"Yeah baby you might have baby brother or baby sister"
She squealed smiled widely hugging me rubbing my tummy
*day of appointment*
Today was appointment Sophia didn't go to school she was to excited she was followed me to the doctor
We we're waiting the room waiting for the doctor
*after doing the test*
I just finished doing the test I was back the room waiting for the results
I heard soft knock the door
"Come in" I said quietly
The doctor came back in
"Am I going to be big sister" Sophia said before the doctor can get anything from his mouth
But he nodded
"Yes honey you're going to be big sister"
The doctor said
"You heard that momma I'm going to be big sister" she said while jumping up and down
"Yes honey you're going to be big sister calm down please" she did
The doctor handed me the next appointment
He congratulated me I gave him quick thank you
We left home
Harry's p.o.v
I'm such an idiot I kept thinking to myself while boarding the private plane with Louis
*few days later*
It's be few days since I left
Louis was the studio recording his new album
I was home alone
Till I heard the door bell ring
I opened it saw zayn
"When was the last time you and Niall had sex"
"That's weird question to ask zayn"
"Just answer it"
"3 weeks ago"
He punched my nose
"What the hell zayn"
I said groaning the pain my nose
"Congratulations idiot you're going to be Dad again you left him for a slut you do know Liam and Louis have fucked when you where with Niall right"
"I-I" I couldn't make a correct sentence
"You're disgrace of father" he got in his car left
I quickly got my phone dialed Niall's phone
"I'm sorry but the number you're trying to reach has been disconnected"
I tried text him
Harry: "Niall is it true you're pregnant again please answer me"
Niall: "I'm sorry but the number you're trying to reach has been disconnected"

I have bad new this book is not going to have happy ending I had tried writing this multiple times but I'm just going circles
I'm still going to try
The next chapter I'm going to skip some years
Sophia is going to be 17
Ethan (Niall's son) is going to be 13 (probably wrong age gap from Sophia)

Larry is going to be married they have kids of their own
Jessica- 16 (she's adopted)
Freddie- 17

Bear(Liam's son)

Zayn son
Jackson - 12

The Broken family of stylesWhere stories live. Discover now