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Long chapter!!!

Niall's p.o.v
After Harry left with Louis  I have lost all contacts with them I disconnected my phone got new one to start fresh
I gave birth to beautiful healthy baby boy I named him Ethan
He's now 13 Sophia is 17
It's been 20 years since one direction
We all decide to do one last concert as one direction
That's what we're doing zayn is flying from Texas
I'm flying from San Francisco  I changed houses when Ethan was one because I found out Harry and Louis was moving near where I live
Liam is coming from California
Harry and Louis are already there
Our last concert is where everything first began
I have found out that zayn and Liam has arrived to London already I'm the only one who's late
I got up from my bed got my phone read 4:12am this is to early I thought to myself
I made my way to Ethan's and Sophia's room their rooms are next to each other
I walked into Ethan's room First
"Ethan it's time to wake up we have to leave for London already"
He groaned but he opened his green eyes he looked at me slowly nodded while getting up from bed heading to the bathroom with only his boxers
Ethan has dark brown hair which he got from me
He has green eyes which he got from harry his hair is kinda curly he has small dimples
I walk to Sophia room
"Sofie baby wake up it's time to leave"
"1 more hour please"
"No baby we have to leave now do you have your luggage ready"
She nodded while sitting up bed
" fine Mom  I'll be downstairs 5 minutes"
"Thanks honey" walking out the room before I closed the door I heard Sophia fall the floor heard cuss
"stupid fucken floor" Sophia got a that from me
I remember the first time she cussed I freaked out when Ethan started speaking Sophia start cussing he'll repeat her I would freak out even more
But now I don't care they would've found out sooner or later (this was actually my mom she even let me watch South Park when I was 11 who know what that is ? my favorite is Eric)
I was the kitchen eating apple when I heard Sophia Ethan walk in they were wearing comfy clothes Sophia was out her pj shorts her tink top Ethan had clothes on now
Sophia was wearing sweatpants white crop top some white shoes baggy sweater Ethan was wearing sweater with flip off finger black pants

vAfter Harry left with Louis  I have lost all contacts with them I disconnected my phone got new one to start fresh I gave birth to beautiful healthy baby boy I named him Ethan He's now 13 Sophia is 17 It's been 20 years since one direction We all...

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