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So previously we had ended where Chin Chin kicked a mother fucking wall down. And then made some comments in his language.  All of a sudden you said: "What the fuck is going on?!"


So back to the present. You held up your hands as the man known as Chin Chin edged closer to you.  You backed away and then screamed the only thing you knew would get you help.

"Help! RAPE!" You squealed, Chin Chin gave you a salty look. Frank rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Ore wa chin chin ga daisuki nandayo.." Chin Chin responds,  shrugging. Frank nods.

"What'd he say?" You asked Frank, Frank turned to you with a disappointed look.

"He said: "Shut the fuck up, what are you, gay?" I frowned. "No u!" You replied with an aggressive tone. Chin Chin looked taken aback.

"Ore wa chin chin ga daisuki nandayo..." He responds with a doubtful look. You gave them all a very worried look as they all gave you the same look back.

"Chin Chin, I don't have the sacrifices," Frank explained with such a heavy grievance you expected the poor fuckers mom just got cancer and keeled over one day from her tumors. However you kind of wished that because that was what he deserved for kidnapping you because you didn't ask for that first of all.

"Ore wa chin chin ga daisuki nandayo?!" Chin Chin sputtered with some retarded look on his face. The man in the frog hat began to rub his nipples and mutter a worried "Nyess." Which worried you also.

The man in the pink suit spoke in some garbled language that sounded like "FRANKU!" Frank turned toward the man in the pink suit before he could speak Chin Chin made a weird noise and snapped his fingers and both of them disappeared from the room.

The pink guy ran around the room in a frantic frenzy, "Franku! Franku!" You looked around in a panic, how was that even possible?! But at the moment you kind of realized anything was possible now.

"Hey calm down you degenerate, calm down!" You yelled at the panicked pink man who was rasping out words that you couldn't decipher. He clearly held some attachment to the man that lived in this shit-hole.

"We'll find your friend!" You yelled as the pink man began to shriek and bounce off the walls. He froze and then stared at you, a great smile breaking out on his face. In a retarded way, you smiled back.

"NYESSSSS!" The man in the frog hat called and then furiously began to rub his nipples. Sure enough, you then found yourself dragged outside the shit-hole and toward wherever these mentally retarded rejects. Where you were going you did not know, but you knew it some place strange.

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