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"That's hilarious."

Those were the first words you had ever said to me.

You had been laughing and joking. I had said something. It was a party. You had never met me. And whatever I said made you laugh harder.

And that was when I felt something.

"Do you need an umbrella?"

You shouted that at me. When it was pouring and we had met alongside the street.

"I'm (Y/n)."

You had said my name was cool.

"My name's George, but just call me Joji. Everyone does."

Joji. I liked that. I had a feeling I was gonna see you again.

And I hoped I did.

"Where do you live? I'll walk you home."

We walked back home and laughed the entire way. I learned about your love of music, some parts of your childhood, and you learned about my hobbies and how I moved to New York after I wanted a fresh start.

"Well don't get caught in any more rainstorms, also we should go out for coffee sometime."

I smiled at you and gave you your umbrella back.

"I'd like that."

I said to you. You took your umbrella, gave me your number, and promised to text. Then you said goodbye and left.

I had a feeling this was going to go well.

"It's nice isn't it?"

You were talking about the scenery of the cafe, just a small building but a cozy environment. It was a lovely day outside, a small breeze blowing, the sky blue, a calm calm day.

"You ever been here?"

I shook my head, drinking my coffee. Joji leaned back in his chair, staring out the window. He turned back to me, his bright smile making me feel warm.

"It's one of my favorite places. I'm glad you decided to tag along"

The day kept getting better and better. And ended with a walk through the park and dinner. I had seen Joji stare at me a fair amount of time. It felt nice to be wanted I suppose. I also made sure to gently bump into him. The little games of having a crush on someone felt nice. I hoped it would go somewhere further than this.

"Well, I had a good time today? If you ever need anything I live near xxxxx-"

I nodded and walked into my apartment with a smile on my face. Putting down my small backpack. I went about my nightly routine. I hadn't felt this happy since I moved here. I knew this was a good choice. Joji was a good choice. Things were looking up.

"I come out here to help with my thoughts. It's just a calm spot to think."

It was about 3 weeks later of hanging out and you brought me out on your fire escape. I felt at home staring up at the stars

"It's beautiful out here. "

Joji and I spent all night staring at the city and before I knew it, I started drifting off to the sound of his deep voice. Lulling me to sleep. Joji had started talking about how long he had lived in New York and suddenly I felt sleep overtake me.

"Good morning sleepyhead. I ordered us some breakfast."

We spent all day talking, and when I headed out to go home, I felt more drawn to him in a way, as he leaned on his doorway. With his messy dark hair, black t-shirt, and jeans. Even then he was an angel. And that's when I knew.

"Hey, Joji? I like you and I know that's crazy and stupid. But I just feel it's right to say."

He smiled softly and hugged me. Then our faces got closer together, and closer and closer-

"(Y/n) you wanna move in together?"

We had been dating for about four months, staying close to one another. Soft kisses and frequent touches. You asked that question out of the blue and I smiled. Of course, I wanted to move in with you. Our relationship had been so perfect, it was hard to believe I had found people before you. And I hoped I never had to find another again.

We moved in together in a week.

From then days went by fast, but memorable. We talked about getting pets, getting married, stupid couple of things you know. Things you say when you know you really want this person. Even if it was a short time.

Soulmates aren't supposed to happen or even exist, but I believed Joji was mine. I really did.

"I love you. So so much. Out of the entire 7 billion people on this earth. I found you. Do you understand how impossible yet amazing that is?"

Out of the fire escape again, looking out at the city again. I hummed an agreement to his statement. Fathoming the existence of love made no sense. It was chemicals after all. But there was something so incredibly wonderful about them. They changed my life. And I loved every second of it.

"We found each other. We're soulmates, I suppose."

"Yeah. Soulmates."




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