wall man

248 4 0

dedicated to dizzystradlin
(so sorry this took a literal year to come out)

The sound of the club boomed around you, and made your headache literally ten times worse. Stepping outside, you took a deep breath. Letting the night air filter around you. Calming you. And it seemed to mix well with the drunk haze that was slowly settling in your body.

Tonight was warm and felt okay. Until footsteps startled you back into the world of muffled club music. You turn and felt a little anxious at the sight of a man much larger than you walk toward you.

He could just be leaving, no big deal. You try to calm yourself but he stands next to you, seemingly like he's trying to start a conversation.

"Hey can I buy you a drink?" He seems already buzzed himself. As his words are a little heavy and stumbling a bit.

"No thanks, just trying to calm down my headache right now." You politely declined. Smiling at him.

"I really think you should let me buy you a drink though." The man says, you turn in surprise. He looks older and like he got off from work.

"Sir thank you but I'm all set." You say more firmly but still trying to keep your heart calm. The man looks more annoyed, but he turns as the door opens and music fills the street from the club and a man with slightly shaggy black hair steps out. He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt that sort of clung to him. He leaned against the wall and took a breath.

You feel really panicked at this point. Was the other guy in on this. Fuck fuck fuck I don't fucking need this right now.

"I think I'm gonna go back inside!" You say to the older man but suddenly he stands in front of you.

He puts a hand through your hair and you freeze up. Anger and terror spike throughout your body.

"Sir please don't touch me." You jerk your head away from his hand. You notice the man leaning against the wall perks up and glances at you. And then the man.

"Don't tell me what to do." The man says irritated. You stand your ground and push his hand away that tries to touch you again.

"Leave me alone!" You snap as you back away.

You see the man get up from the wall and walk toward you.

"Hey, she said to leave her alone." The wall man says behind the older man.

"Fuck off." The older man turns and says. The wall man glares at him.

"How about you fuck off and leave her alone." You definitely feel a sense of relief, and start to walk past the older man. But he reaches out and grabs your arm. You gasp and try to wrench your arm away from the older man.

The wall man wastes no time and literally punches the older man right in the jaw. It surprises both of you and the older man releases you as he holds his jaw in pain.

You run near the door as the wall man starts threatening the older man with the police. The older man swings at the wall man.

The wall man punches the other guy right in the nose and he's holding it. Grunting in pain.

"Fuck!" He yells.

Wall man had just broken older man's nose.

"Now fuck off before I call the police dickhead." Wall man snaps.

Older man cusses out the wall man as he slinks away.

"Oh my god." You breathe for the first time since this happened.

"You okay? Sorry about all that." Wall man walks up to you. He smiles softly and you sigh in relief again.

"Yeah thanks, oh my god." You laugh but in the way that feels shaky.

He runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm Joji by the way." He laughs and holds his hand out to shake. You notice he winces when you shake it.

"You wanna go get some ice for your hand?" You ask, gesturing to back to the door of the club

"That'd be nice. I have a wild story to tell you!" He laughs as you two walk back into the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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