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Hello! My name is alycia and I was wondering if I could share my story?

So as a child I had a great life... I don't know when it started going down hill but I remember cutting only a little bit when I was 11 and I guess it just started string worse. By the time I was 13 my mother had caught me by snooping through my room and seeing the journal entries that had dried blood on them. That started my long journey through therapy.. It worked for a while but once I hit high school things just started getting worse. My mom took me to a different counselor and they diagnosed me with anxiety... And a severe one at that... I'm still in therapy and I am also on anxiety meds... Iver time it has helped a lot and I'm grateful. My step father wants to adopt me and make me his child which is perfectly fine with me cuz my "real dad" was never there for me. I have gone about 2 months without cutting and I'm so proud of myself. Although I hate the scars, my big sister has taught me to embrace them... And that's what I have done. <3

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