Chapter 15: The Mountian

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Ethan's POV:

I wake up in a white room. The walls and ceiling are white. I am also wearing white clothing. Am I in heaven? Am I dead? All these questions go left unanswered. I get up from my bed and remove the I.V. That was in my arm. I walk up to the door and bang on it.

"Hello? Hello can anyone hear me?" I yell as I pound on the door.

I look through the door's window to see another white room but nobody in it. I sit down and wait for someone to get me.

After 5 minutes someone walks in and takes me to another room.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask scared.

They take me to a room with clothing laid out. I put it on and then they take me down an elevator to some other floor.

I am then taken to an open room full of everyone I was in the drop ship.

"Ethan your okay!" Jasper says to me and hugs me.

I hug him back and I look around and see Monty.

"M-Monty?" I ask surprised.

I run up to him and hug him.

"It's nice to see you again." Monty says to me.

"You too." I say with a smile.

"So this is Mount weather?" I ask them while looking around.

"Yup. Pretty cool right?" Monty says looking around.

"Ethan i'm so sorry about Bel-" Jasper tries to say but a lady comes in and gives everyone an orientation.

I don't really pay attention as the memories of what happened flood back into my brain.

I start to cry a little but stop when I see people looking at me.

"What? Ever seen someone in pain before?" I say to them before turning around. Right when I turn around I see Clarke come in.

"Omg Clarke!" I say and run up to hug her.

She hugs me back and we hold each other as we both cry into each other's arms.

After a minute or two we pull away as everyone surrounds us.

I step out of the crowded place and sit down.

"Where's Finn and Bellamy?" She asks us.

I look down not wanting to cry again.

"Clarke uh... they didn't make it." Jasper says to her.

"We don't know that. They could still be alive. Right Ethan?" She asks me.

I look up at her with tears in my eyes and say:

"I-I'm sorry but I- I got to go.." I say and walk away.

I sit down at a random chair and just stare at the floor.

"Give him time. He just lost his boyfriend." I hear Jasper say to Monty and Clarke.

I've lost almost everything in my life but this has got to be the worst one yet.

After about 30 minutes to an hour they served us food.

Everyone is having a good time and eating while I sit alone and sulk in my own sadness.

Monty and Jasper offered me to sit with them but I declined. I just wanted to be left alone.

As I ate the chocolate cake, which was pretty good by the way, Clarke came up to me and sat down next to me.

"They gave us a map with no exits." she blankly says as she shows me the map she placed on the table next to me.

"So?" I ask her.

"Look I know your mourning right now but Finn and Bellamy may still be alive." She says to me.

"Clarke, They burned out there. We burned them. And now that Bellamy is dead I'm also dead as well." I say to her.

"Bellamy may have gotten away. He could still be alive. Don't you want to leave and find him than rather accept what they told you and sulk down here for the rest of your days? Because I am certainly not going to do that." She says to me.

"Okay..." I whisper after a minute of thinking. "I'll help you."

"Good. I promise we'll see them soon. Just follow me." She says.

I follow her and I wait by the hallway as she steals a keycard from one of the people who was talking to Jasper.

We both walk out and look for the exit.

As we walk down a hallway an alarm goes off.

"Not a prisoner huh?" She says as we start to run.

Guards chase after us as we continue looking for the exit.

We reach a large iron door that takes us to a long tunnel of stairs going up and down.

We break the door so it can't be accessed by anyone outside and make a break up the stairs. I gotta tell ya I haven't done that much cardio in a loonnnggg time. We reach the top surprisingly out of breath and find a circular iron vault door. Me and Clarke turn the handle so we could open the door to our freedom.

Right when were about to pull the lever, Jasper and that girl we took the keycard from arrive.

"Clarke and Ethan don't! If you pull that lever these people will die!" Jasper says to us.

"Even a little radiation will kill them." He continued.

The girl leaves and comes back with a gun and aims it at us.

"Don't make me shoot you." She says to us.

Jasper comes up to us and says:

"Don't do this. Look at what your doing Clarke. your making Ethan believe a bunch of nonsense. Your making him feel more pain than he needs to be feeling. And by pulling that lever you'll be killing everyone in this bunker."

Clarke looks at me and I look at her.

"I don't believe them." Clarke says to him.

"Why would they lie? Listen to me, we are safe here. We are safe because of you." He says to Clarke.

"Not all of us." She says to him.

"I'm the one who fired the rockets. Should I have not done that?" Jasper says to her.

"Clarke, when you pulled that lever you saved so many lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one." He says to her.

Clarke lets go of the lever as the guards come in and take us away.

They leave me in a cell as they take Clarke somewhere else.

After a while they send me back to the mess hall where we all sat with everyone including Clarke to eat dinner.

After we all eat we all walk back to our rooms where our beds were located.

Everyone seemed to happy. Except me.

I sat in the bed under Clarke's as she was drawing on something.

"I miss him." I say to Clarke. "I miss him all the time. Does the feeling ever go away?" I ask her.

She looks down at me from the bed and says:

"Depends on when your ready to move on."

"I don't think I ever will." I say and turn onto my side and fall asleep.

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