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Bad memories.

Bad memories flood his brain and his now empty heart once filled with the love of his soulmate.

the love that had now flew away and left just hate.

self hatred. that was caused by the echoing of a slamming door that never seemed to fall off repeat.

'ryland, ill be fine on my own' slam

'ryland, i dont need your help' slam

'ryland, you need to stop worrying' slam

'ryland, ill be home in an hour maximum' slam

'ryland - i want you to move on and get on without me' slam.....


no more slams.

the green pill which mocked him while it lay in his hand, stopped all the slamming of doors, echoing of broken hearts, aching of a lost soul.

now all gone.

all left now was the steady sound of a heart beat that he wanted to stop

if shane isnt by him then he dosnt want that heart to beat like it did when shane was there.

it dosnt though

it dosnt beat the same as it did. the beats are slow, un even, ocd ridden.

but he dosnt realize. he thinks it beats the same.

since the way he felt with shane was completely forgotton.

and the only words that fell on the tip of his tongue were never spoken. he hadnt seen anyone since the door slammed and the day he found himself crying to sleep because of the feeling of glass puncturing all the happiness that was tyed on a string in his now hardly beating heart. a balloon that got popped by the resonate of slamming. the slamming which seemed to be not banging his front door but a door which led to the sensitive organ which rested behind rib cage bars and sheilded by inhaling lungs , the striking finding the  door and  wavering the sound into his heart, which now only pumped hate and not blood. stupid fucking green pill.

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