The little Girl You Created

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Your copy lifted me from my knees and brushed the tears from my cheek stating I should smile more.

It was comforting to be shown that kindness after all that I witnessed. I look up smiling only for my knees to be kicked out from under me as you called me a wh*re.

I looked up shocked tears forming again as you extended your hand telling me it was alright and you still loved me.

I took your hand accepting your help and what I assumed was your apology until you struck me again then waiting a moment then said that I was the one who forgot to say sorry.

I was dazed and confused as this cycle continued before I fell into play saying everything expected at the proper time like I should

For days after as the sun rose only to fall I followed you everywhere as your loyal child as you called me. Id do anything you demanded even if impossible you could almost guarantee I would.

I was a blank canvas and created by the artist you titled yourself. I did as you liked and said as you requested. The perfect creation to posses

Many tried to save me from the path I followed closely in each of your footprints.  Careful not to overstep or trip over the words you'd throw my way as we made our way.  Loyalty to you was my only cause.

No matter the hits,  the calls,  the names,  the send offs , or intoxicants I was at your command.  You had me convinced that you were the only one to accept my flaws.

Finally you had me.  Your precious breathing,  pulsing robot. 

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