1: Introduction

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Chapter 1: The Introduction

It was the morning of the Hogwarts Battle, the Second Great Wizarding War was ended and the great evil – aka "Lord Voldemort", or the "Dark Lord", or "He who must not be Named", or "You Know Who" or "Tom (Marvolo) Riddle" (man he had a lot of bloody names) – was dead. The morning dawned bright and clear.

Predictable I know but hey this is a story not a particularly happy one at that. So if you don't like sad endings click of now. Go on Get! No one's forcing you to continue. Now if you want to continue along on my story be my guest. Humph *clears thought*. So where was I ... ahhh yes!

The morning dawned bright and clear. Now here's the twist that some people were too impatient for, harrumph I say to them. But all was not right with in the grand stone walls of the majestic gothic castle of Hogwarts. Many brave warriors and great people lay dead or injured in the great hall. But this is not their story it is mine for our baby.

You see my name is Cassie – well Cassandra – Weasley former Waters and I was in Hufflepuff when I was in Hogwarts the year above the Twins. I use to be best friends with Cedric – you know Cedric Diggory – I don't have a label for my "blood status" my dad was a pureblood and my mum a half blood so where does that leave me? I don't know three-quarter blood?

"What?" you say "Bill's wife's name was Fleur!" And you'd be correct I'm not Bills wife. He was ... not my type and too old for me. No I preferred another Weasley. He was unlike any other. "Oh... Percy?" you say, and again you are wrong. No My Husband and the love of my life left Hogwarts in style on the back of his broom with his twin by his side ... usurping the tyrant that was Dolores Umbridge. Can you guess who it is now? Well I narrowed it down to two... still need help? Ok *deep breath* He ... He now lies dead in the great hall with a hundred others.

He is surrounded by those who love him, but I'm not there. I was but I just could take it anymore! He didn't even know about the baby! I only found out yesterday. I was going to tell him when he came home but... But when he did come home he was raving about how Bill found out – from his connections with the goblins at the Bank – that Harry, Hermione and Ron had broken into Gringotts, and then his coin – the one from the DA – stated that it was time for another meeting and we left almost instantly. Anyway ... Umm... that wasn't the point. So have you got it yet? Ah, good. Yes I am ... was Fred's wife. And by this stage I was ten weeks pregnant with our child. I was a quarter of the way through the pregnancy when I found out.

It was a very quick wedding, I mean we all know what happened at Bill and Fleur's wedding. Plus we weren't big fancy wedding people. Fred did get his wish of Jeans but I drew the line at a regular t-shirt. I may not be particular fussy most of the time but come on it was my wedding and I wanted to be a little fancy - if you can call it that - so they also wore ties, Fred wore a bowtie and he looked absolutely adorable. We did it over Christmas with everyone there. While it wasn't spur of the moment it wasn't a big though fare - I think I already mentioned that didn't I ... sorry.

I think I digress I maybe procrastinating a tiny bit *deep breath*. Ok so what is it you want to know? No ok well it's still a little too surreal for me still. It's only a day after the battle. I still can't believe he's gone... I write this for my child and all who chose to believe me. I shall write Our Story up until the morning after the battle. Well here we go... *deep breath*.

Please let me know what you think. Reviews and Comments are appreciated. Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try and upload the next chapter ASAP!

Love Always,

Mistress XoX

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