Chapter 7: The Re-Meeting

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Chapter 7: The Re-Meeting

Well it seems I have gone and gotten myself a little off track. As I have mentioned previously I stopped talking to the Weasley's for a long time. Well except for Ginny, but she was always the closest to me (obviously apart from the Twins). And she was only seven (nearly eight) when the Incident happened. So it was easy for her to forgive after four years. Plus, she knew it wasn't my fault as I neither spilt the drinks nor was the one to yell.

Now don't get me wrong I am not blaming Fred for the Incident, or at least the outcome anyway, my mother on the other hand is another story completely. And yes for all those wondering we did make up the summer after my second year. But it took a lot of grovelling on her part. I am certain she would have tried it sooner; in fact, she did but I sent all her owls post letters back unopened with a firm "Return to Sender" stamped across them, and walked out of the room when she tried to floo call. I didn't even go home for Christmas that year, instead choosing to stay at Hogwarts.

Anyway I didn't talk to any of the Weasley males again while I was at Hogwarts, and me and Ginny really where only like friendly acquaintances. This was mostly due to us being in different houses and me being so much older than she was. But from her second year until I left we did have a weekly tea in the kitchens. (Saturdays at 3:30pm).

We would talk about our days and I would help her with any assignments or homework she was having trouble with. And yes I did start this tradition due to what happened during her first year. I feel awful about that. I felt that if I had have started the tradition or not have been leery about befriending the Weasley female again that I could have noticed, or prevented it. If I was only there for her in her time of need. I will always be grateful to Harry Potter for saving Ginny and for bringing back Cedric, even if he was not alive.

: * MP * :

Oh I am off track again.

So I didn't talk to any of the Weasley's after I left Hogwarts not even Ginny. Though she understood I was having a difficult time dealing after the death of Cedric. He was after all my best friend so I kind of shut off from the world during that summer. I hid at my parent's place and tried to think about what I wanted to do, and not think about the war that was encroaching. It was hard to ignore at my house, what with my dad's job and everything. He often came home reporting about all the things that were happening. And let me just say there was easily twice as much happening as the Profit was reporting the Ministry was doing an excellent job hushing it up. It also didn't help that my parents were up in arms and on different sides of the argument. Mum who had transferred and now worked under Dolores Umbridge was under the impression that Harry was a liar and that Dumbledore was a crackpot. While my dad was more supportive of the whole You Know Who being back though he was most definitely not thrilled with the idea.

So I was biding my time trying to figure out what I wanted to do after summer finished, because I was definitely not going to lounge around and live of my parent's dime as the muggles say. I was listening to the wizard wireless and trying to lose myself in the music but it was all old and all the station only catered to older and middle aged people, there were no stations dedicatee to the younger generations, and very few stations had programs for the younger generations and if they did it was only once or twice a week.

I was thinking about this and it suddenly struck me this is what I could do. People had often told me I had a great voice. So I decided to approach a station that I knew was not doing so well as they didn't have the listener capacity and couldn't afford to hire big acts to boost their numbers.

I set up the meeting for a fortnights time. This gave me time to research, plan and devices what I was going to say to convince the station that my idea and by extension me was what they needed to get some of their rating back.

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