Chapter 9: The Wedding

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Chapter 9: The Wedding

We dated for a bit over a year and unlike George and Angelina who had an on again off again, casual, friends with benefits like relationship we were consistent. We dated for around ten months before he proposed.

It was a bit of a shock for me when he did. I thought it was like any of the other dates we had been on before. We had gone to a few family functions like birthdays and dinners. Me and Molly had made up previously though it did make for an awkward first dinner. I was even his date to Bills Wedding. I knew it was serious. I just wasn't sure how far along he thought we were. We had talked about what we want to happen when the war was over, and what kind of house and family and stuff like that. I knew he was in it for the long haul. I just figured that he would wait until after the war was over.

We were out to dinner at a nice restaurant and it was just after we received desert. I think he had been building up the courage to ask me for a while because he had been a little off. But I had just assumed that he was worried over his little brother and his friends running around on their secret mission for Dumbledore. It was late August and it was quite humid outside so I was wearing a dress to try and stay cool. Looking back now maybe a did suspect something, I not really the type to wear dresses.

He got down on one knee and presented me with a lovely small square black diamond set into a feminine gold band. Then he asked me for my hand in marriage. I was speechless for all of five minutes. By this time, we had attracted a lot of attention. The way he was doing it was very muggle. But he knew that was the way I fantasised about because of all the Romantic Comedies I had forced him to watch over the past year.

By know he was clearly very nervous and was thinking that he had done it wrong or that it was too soon. It wasn't until some man from across the room said "Well are you going to answer the Lad?" that I answered. I guess he was sympathetic to the situation, and Fred's growing panic.

Blushing like a maniac I whispered Yes. I was nodding my head furiously and then my Yes's slowly got louder in volume till I was practically shouting. To shut me up Fred stood and kissed me. He then slipped the ring on to my finger and kissed me again.

: * MP * :

So the day of the wedding dawned and it was not bright or clear. It was clouded over and looked like it was going to rain. I was glad we were having it inside the Burrow and that it wasn't a big wedding. It was happening only three days after Christmas on the 28th of December and it was only going to be a very small affair.

There was only going to be about twenty people in attendance. Molly and Arthur, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Ginny, George and Angelina, my parents, Lee Jordan, Helen Steers, Briar and Justin (my friends from Hufflepuff) and finally several order members including Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin and Kingsley Shacklebolt. So with a bit of magic and an undetectable extension charm we were going to be married in the lounge-room of the Burrow.

Due to the small nature, and the worry over her children, their friends and other family Molly wasn't so fussed with the cleaning of the burrow like she was with Bill wedding. Not to mention everything had been done then and that was barely six months ago. Not to mention the sting that a quarter of her children wouldn't be in attendance. One of whom she didn't even know if they were safe. Not to mention his two friends with him who she had come to think of as another son and daughter.

Anyway that wasn't the point. The point was it was a small interment gathering that was more or less like a slightly larger version of a Sunday lunch. Ironic considering the wedding was on a Sunday. We didn't want to arouse the Death Eater suspicions that there was another wedding or something else important going on. We didn't want to give them something to attack like they had Bill and Fleur's. Even still with the exception of Ron, Harry, Hermione and Percy it was everyone we cared about and wanted to be there was there and in attendances.

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