Chapter 2: The Incident

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Chapter 2: The Incident

The Waters and the Weasley have known each other for years upon years. Until my dad we were one of the few pureblood families' that while where obsessed with keeping things strictly 'pure' we didn't subscribed to the 'master race' superiority shit that most of the other family's did. The Weasley were also one of those families' which is why we all kind of grew up together. So I had known the twins pretty much since their birth. We grew up playing quidditch and hunting the woods for fantastic creatures and excursions into the village to interact with the muggles and look at all the new ways that they could come up with the same thing and all of it without magic.

I was quite the tom boy and used to challenge the boys to everything from races to quidditch to eating, anything and everything I could come up with to prove that I could fit in with them. So with their influence - or maybe it was with mine - we grew wild. Even though I was close in age to Percy he never seemed interesting enough and way too shy for my liking. Bill and Charlie were great but a bit too old and I always felt a little odd whenever I was alone with either one or both of them. I always seemed to get tongue tied and just couldn't come up with anything to say. But Fred and George and to some extent Ron and Ginny when they came along, it was great having another girl by this stage and she seemed to look up to me and that felt great ... I don't know we just seemed to fit, it just felt right. I didn't feel awkward or bored or shy I was just myself.

So obviously we didn't really start getting to know each other until they were three or four and I was four or five. But in the next seven/eight years we got to know each other very well I was almost an honorary twin making us the triplets (this was a running joke in both our families). This lasted up until the summer just before the twins went to Hogwarts. Actually it lasted up until a few weeks before. It went south after the incident. So I've already told you about being a tomboy well I didn't know many boys growing up and I hadn't even kissed one until that summer. Actually George was my first kiss.

It was storming outside and all the Weasley's were at my house for the day. The original plan was to play quidditch, but mum wouldn't let us go out and play in the storm so we were stuck. So for once Percy came up with an idea that appealed to everyone. Personally I think he was relieved at not having to play, he wasn't very good or at least not as good as everyone else, so he knew he'd be letting down whoever's team he was on. I was pissed because I needed to practice. I was going to try out for my house team. Anyway he suggested spin the bottle. We all readily agreed so I snatched a bottle from the kitchen and we retired to the living room and sat in a big circle all eight of us.

So we had played for maybe three or four goes each which equates to about an hour and a half. The bottle landed on me and Bill asked in the sing song way of spin the bottle "Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Torcher, Kiss or Promise, Cass?" - the way we play is that you can only choice one once until you've picked them all and I had already used up my truth, dare, torture and double dare - so I picked "Promise" and Bill says "The next time your alone with the guy you like you have to promise to kiss him on the lips" to this I agree because I couldn't very well duck out of it. Though it was infringing on Kiss boundaries. So then I go it lands on Ginny who choses "Torcher", and I tell her to go outside in the rain in her underwear for five minutes and then to get dressed in her clothes without drying off. Then Fred gets up to grab drinks. She does this and when she gets back (looking very soggy but excited) she goes and it lands on George who choses "Kiss" so Ginny tells him to kiss the person on his right on the lips. Which if you've guessed was me as I was sitting between the twins. I think she was trying to get him to kiss Charlie who was on his left and she was not very good with left or right by this stage, then again it would have been her right. She was much better by the next summer apparently. So we turn to each other and give as chaste a kiss as you could give when kissing on the lips. However Fred chose this moment to return to the room with his arms full of beverages.

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