Chapter 4: The Twins Antics

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Chapter 4: The Twins Antics

Now in years to come, hell even days after the event I could laugh at the first two parts. I mean it didn't really affect much, though I did have more trouble going to sleep, due in part to the glowing of my skin. But add to that the fear that if I went to sleep someone would sneak in and do something else bad to me. It took me months before I regained my ability to sleep properly.

The glowing skin and the orange hair only lasted about a month and a half, before it fully washed away. And by that stage I almost liked the look. Not that I would have admitted it to anyone at that stage.

But as I've said before the reputation I had gained on that fateful day stuck with me far longer than any of the actual prank remnants. By now the twins have been at school for about four months, and they have already started to gain a reputation for pulling pranks, though except for mine, they were always harmless and getting into mischief. Some of their pranks include (apparently) pretending to ruin their roommates favourite sweeter by spilling ink all over it. They apparently pored the ink onto some spilt wax and when it died fixed it so that it looked like an ink spill. As well as Covering the great hall windows with water soaked cotton balls (again I don't know why they had them, or how they got them in the castle) at night so that they stuck. Poor Filch was still cleaning it three days later, apparently they are very hard to get off once they've frozen on, and as it was the middle of winter and the snow was twenty centimetres (2/3's of a foot or 8 inches roughly) deep, they stayed frozen.

Over the cause of the remaining five months of school they pulled of an almost record breaking number of pranks, I believe the number was 18. Which is a total of 21 pranks for their first year alone. They were only beaten by this group called the Marauders who held the record at 24 pranks in the first year.

I still have no idea how, or why they had some of these things but anyway. Some of the pranks that the twins pulled were:

The Alarm Clock Prank: they got a bunch of alarm clocks I think it was about twelve or so and set then to go of every ten minutes from around 2am. They then hid them in various places around Percy's dorm room. Suffice to say that people particularly third year Gryffindor boys were not happy in the morning. But all the alarm clocks had been found so they all got a good night's sleep the following night.

The Shower Prank: this is where they got some powdered red die and unscrewed the cap off of one of the communal showers in their room. They then placed a lot of this powder inside the head and put it back, they then avoided this shower and waited for someone else to use it. Apparently it was Lee Jordan who used it and it only slightly stained his teeth, apparently drinks the water. But the effects had worn off by the next morning.

The Snowing Inside Prank: They got those little hole punch circles (the ones from that are punched out) like a million of them and filled them in to a little pockets in to one of their roommates (I believe it was Sean O'Connor) curtains over their four poster bed. When he pulled it closed that night to go to sleep, he was inundated with what looked like snow. The poor house elves that had to clean it up.

There were of cause others but I cannot think of any right now. I still think they were geniuses to pull of so many pranks without using much magic. Please keep in mind that as first years they had little knowledge of magic. Well as little as anyone growing up entirely in the wizarding world can.

In there almost seven years at Hogwarts they pulled of some amazing pranks. Not to mention the amount. They always tried to beat that silly record but for some reason never really reached it. I guess we will never know who the marauders were. But that's a story for next time.

Please let me know what you think. Reviews and Comments are appreciated. Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try and upload the next chapter ASAP

Love Always,

Mistress XoX

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