Chapter 10: The War and The Battle

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Chapter 10: The War and The Battle

We had been married a little over five months and together for a little over 19 months and everything was normal. Well as normal as it can get in the middle of a war.

It had been my idea for the twins and Lee Jordan to start the radio show filled with the real information of what is going on, but also to make light of certain situations and try and bring light back to Britain's Wizarding World. After the shop was closed because of the war it was like the only bright spot in the world faded to a pin prick. We needed to get hope back in to the fight or we would lose the battle before it started.

Ginny had been telling us what had been happening at Hogwarts and what they had been doing by restarting Dumbledore's Army. It was like another extension of that. We even thought that we could reach Harry, Ron and Hermione and lift their spirits and let them know what was happening in the world and that they weren't the only ones fighting and that they had support. Of course we knew that they would need access to a radio and to be able to tune in and get the passwords and things.

We knew it would be difficult and that we would have to move around a lot to avoid getting caught by the Death Eaters. I even tried creating a spell that would bounce our signal around so that it would become difficult or even impossible to trace.

It worked to a certain extent. We could stay in places longer, sometimes even four or five times as long as before the spell, but eventually we would move on to a new location to be on the safe side. We never stayed in the same spot very long a month at most.

Anyway I taught the boys – mostly it was just Lee – how to set it up and bounce the signal and run sound checks and change the password and the business side of how to run the channel and the importance of using a code or stage name. I even came up with Lee's name, because of the Jordan River. He handled the talking.

I know what you're thinking, if you already knew all this stuff and you were already on radio then wouldn't you have been better to do this. No I wouldn't have. Lee had a great standing with the audience and he used to be part of the DA and was now a member of the Order. It was better having someone that people new the credentials off even if they were supposed to be in disguise. It was the one reason we never disguised their voices it gave them credibility. More than an anonymous radio talk show host and guests. While I am a member of the Order my alter-ego the radio show host was on the fence because that's how I had to play it. To keep my family safe. My parents were still working for the ministry. My dad was in the Order my mum refused to join but she supported it trust me.

Anyway that's not important. they learnt the tricks of the radio from me. And I helped them run it a lot of the time. I was the manager for that show. I knew that if we bounced around; locations, channels, times, days, everything we could confuse the death Eaters and make it harder for them to find us. We changed the password for each show and told you what the next one was going to be, but not when that show was. It was a great system if I do say so myself. We could even produce it and then run it on a record so that if the Death Eaters or their minions got particularly savvy during the show, and found us, they would only find the recording that was being sent out and we would be long gone. We were very precautions for that show and had backups with in backups and escape plains A through Z.

Several times a month we would be sent out on missions for the Order. It was a very trying time. We were all under constant pressure not to get caught. We were put in positions where we had to fight our way out of it. We were under constant pressure of injury or death. We were scared that the next name we would hear on the ever growing list of dead and missing would be someone we knew, someone we love, someone we liked, someone we disliked, even someone we hated.

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