Chapter 8: The First Date

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Chapter 8: The First Date

So as I have previously stated it took them a few months to convince me to forgive them and to trust them completely. But afterwards it was just like old times again. And from there it was surprisingly easy to go from friends to lovers.

Now do you guys remember the incident? Well really what was happening before the incident? Do you remember the Promise I gave to Bill? Well allow me to refresh your memories I promised him that the next time I was alone with my crush I would kiss them on the lips. Bringing back memories. Well I kept my promise but being that I was 12 at the time I took it to mean that I could only do it to the person I liked at that moment and not one in to the future.

Now don't confuse me with some saintly person, or a complete prude or something I have had boyfriends, hell I even had a girlfriend for a while in fifth year. But I haven't completed the dare how my younger self processed and stored it. And that's for a good reason I hadn't been alone with this person until I had reconnected with Fred and George. And even then it still took months for me to finally be alone with this person.

I know that you think it was Fred, maybe possibly George and you'd be wrong, it wasn't any of the Weasleys. It was someone I reconnected with when I went in to the WWW one day to meet the twins for Lunch. It was an old friend of mine who had moved away to France and Transferred to Beauxbatons after first year. I think her parents couldn't disassociate from the war, as they were both aurors. That how we knew each other as her parents and my Dad used to work together.

Anyway she had recently moved back to England, and had been applying for a job at WWW (and apparently a lot of the other stores in Diagon Alley). It was great seeing her again, it had been so long. We had kept in contact through owls, but it wasn't the same. She asked me out for lunch I almost blew of my plans with the twins but decided to invite her along instead.

So after lunch we both bumping into each other outside of the bathroom. We were of cause alone, and I remembered my promise and just kissed her. She kissed my back and we ended up making out a little. That's how Fred found us, making out in front of the bathroom in a café in Diagon Alley.

I no longer had those sorts of feelings towards my friend, oh her name is Helen Steers (Half-blood), and had been growing some feelings towards Fred so I was decidedly embarrassed to be caught making out with someone else by the guy I liked. So yes that was a little awkward.

But that kiss ended up being good. Because a week later he asked me about it as I was meeting him at the shop after closing. George had the opening shift and had a date that night with Angelina Johnson, so he had already left to go and get her for dinner. We had decided we would just have a nice night in and order a Pizza. I asked if he wanted to come over to my apartment to watch a movie on my muggle television. He thought it would be a novel experience.

At first it was awkward and all I could think of was him walking in on that kiss. I guess that's all he could think about to as he started talking about it. I was both relieved because we were addressing it and wanted to die because we were addressing it.

"So ... I don't know how ask this subtly so I am just going to come right out and ask. Are you gay?" he started of hesitantly but end in a rush. He looked quite uncomfortable and almost seemed to be squirming.

I was a little taken back by this. Not only for his bluntness but his uneasiness. I know that while having anything other than a straight sexual orientation was hushed or considered immoral or Satanist or whatever in the muggle world. It was generally accepted in the magical world and had been for some time. We had realised that it was just another part of what made us all individuals. And while some Pureblood families frowned on it that was more as a caution to keep their lines running than anything else. Still there were some bigotry about it in some circles. I was just shocked that the Weasleys might be one of them. I didn't want to jump to conclusions and insult him if this wasn't the case. But I was very prepared to ask him to leave.

"And what's it to you if I were?" I asked probably more harshly then I intended.

Looking at me funnily he replied "Nothing. It's just I caught you making out with Helen last week remember." Its then that I realised that he was squirming because this was awkward for him to and not because he was homophobic or something. I relaxed considerably. It was only then that I realised I had tensed up when he had asked the question.

I told him about it and why I had done it. He then asked "But I thought you had boyfriends in Hogwarts. Also you do realise that you could have counted that promise done long ago, unless you haven't kissed anyone in private since you were 12." I laughed at that and told him I was bi and that I have indeed kissed people since I was 12. I then told him that it was just how I processed it at that age. Then I kind of forgot until I saw her again. That's when he asked me how it was.

"Honestly, she was a little sloppy. I don't know what they were they taught them over at Beauxbatons but clearly how to kiss was not there. Way too much tongue." Again we giggled. And everything seemed to get back to normal. Then I had to go and open my big mouth. "Besides I had gotten over my crush on her long ago, and I couldn't really enjoy making out with someone that didn't hold my affections, especially when the person who does was so close by." I could have hit myself, in fact I was in my head I was bashing myself over the head.

"Oh, who's the guy ... oh I mean person. Anyone I know." I debated whether or not to lie. And decided that I wouldn't lie and just be as vague as possible and hope he dropped the questioning before he figured it out that it was him.

"Yeah, I'd say you know them." I replied hoping he would leave it there. But no such luck the questioning continued with is it a boy or girl? Did they go to Hogwarts? What house where they in? Where they in your year? What year were they in then? And on it went till I practically shouted "Drop it I'm not telling you who it is. You'd laugh at me." Apparently he had narrowed it down to him and George and this had cemented it for George.

"Well he's great. I know that he likes you too, but it's in more of a sisterly fashion. I'm sorry" He told me sadly. Figuring that he had guessed who it was and that this was his way of putting me down gently. My eyes started to water. I knew that it was a long shot going in that he would like me back but I had hoped that he could. Seeing the tear form in my eyes he continued. "Well you had to of known that you couldn't go out with him like that. I mean your practically family, and I'm choosing to ignore the Hogwarts years." This really stung. I mean yes I know we were practically inseparable when we were younger but that was a long time ago. But I suppose family is family. I started to get up. I needed to get out of here I didn't want him to see me cry. "That's not to even mention that he's on a date right now. I know you're not the type to go after another girl's guy or whatever and that you can't help your feelings ..." that's where I stopped him.

"Wait. What? Who on earth are you talking about?" I asked exasperated right now. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed and have a good cry with some chocolate. And here he was in my apartment talking about some guy on a date after rejecting me and I didn't know what the hell he was talking about anymore.

"George of cause. You like him." He huffed at me. A lightbulb went off in my head. Oh we were thinking about two different people even if people struggled to tell them apart.

"No Fred, I don't like George. I happen to think that He and Angelina are a very cute couple and when they finally pull their heads out of their bums and see that and stop this ridiculous casual dating, will make very cute babies together." I told him.

"Of course you do. It's alright to like George. It's not like we can help our feelings. I like you, you like him, he likes..." He never got to finish his sentence and his mouth was smothered by mine.

We snogged for a long time without breath. When we did finally release each other to breath I panted "No ... I don't ... Like George... You ... Twat." He just replied with a shit eating grin and another long kiss.

And so we spent the night making out. At the end I jokingly asked how it was and he said "Honestly, it was a little sloppy." We laughed at that.

That was our real first date. But for our first official date a week later he did the whole shebang. Bought me nice flowers, picked me up from my flat, took me to a nice restaurant and dropped me home with nothing but a kiss goodnight and a promise for another date. That's was the story we told people anyway, we never made it to the dinner reservations.

Please let me know what you think. Reviews and Comments are appreciated. Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try and upload the next chapter ASAP

Love Always,

Mistress XoX

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