Chapter 11: The Hogwarts Express

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Chapter 11: The Hogwarts Express


My babies are on the train and moving towards their first year at Hogwarts as we speak.

I should probably mention that I had twins a Girl and a Boy. They were born on the 26th of November 1998. They are both healthy and happy, I still get sad at times but I am happy to be able to see my babies grow up.

My little Duchess is named Lorranna Elaine Weasley, Elaine after my mother who died because of the battle of Hogwarts. She had been hit with several spells and was in intensive care for two months before she finally succumbed to the effects of the spells. And my little Prince is Leolief Frederick Weasley, I Promised George after the war that I wouldn't call our son Fred as he wanted to do it to honour his twin with his first born son. I also did this because I knew that Fred really wanted to call his son Leolief which means Lion Son, he thought it was an excellent name. If he had of lived I doubt we would have called him that. But it's hard to refuse a dead man.

The morning after the battle was the hardest. As I walked away from the Malfoys id really hit me that I was going to raise my baby alone. That I wouldn't have my husband, my Fred to help me.

I started to panic. I couldn't do it alone. I was an only child I knew what it was like when I didn't get enough of my parent's attention. I didn't have anyone else to talk to. I knew it was going to be even worse for an only child with a single mother. I would have to go back to work to support us. I would miss out on so many important steps in my child's life, because I was trying to keep us alive. What was I going to do?

I started to walk out of the hall to find a quiet place to contemplate what I was going to do. I knew that I was going to keep this baby no matter what and that I was going to make this work even if I ran myself into the ground doing it.

I had just reached the doors when my name was called out. I looked back over my shoulder to see a furious Molly Weasley bearing down on me. "And just wear do you think you're going Missy? You are going to march right back in that hall and park you butt on that seat and you are going to eat until I say stop. You need to feed your babies and yourself. You have been up all night going on little sleep and in a very stressful situation you are just lucky that you still have them. Now march young lady. And when you're finished with your food you are going to go and lie down and rest." She reprimanded me.

I did as she said. I had seen her mad, it was not pretty for the other person and I wasn't taking the chance that she would do that to me.

Sitting back with the Weasleys and eating bowl after plate after bowl of food and drinking copious amounts of water and juice she finally relented and said that I'd had enough. Which was good because I was about to risk her ire and stop because I don't think I could have eaten and drunk anything else. I felt as if a slight tap and I would burst. But she was right I did feel better having eaten.

"Right off to bed Young lady." Molly said.

"In a minute. I don't think I can move just yet without falling apart at the seams." I replied.

She smiled at me and relented. I had almost called her mum just then. I looked around and realised that I wouldn't have to do it alone. I would have the Weasleys, I would have my parents and I would have the Order. We may have been smaller now but we were just as close. I could do this. With their help we would raise our children to forgo the barriers and transcend their bias and bigotry that face us in our times.

It was then that I knew I would be alright. I would always carry the scars from the war, but so does everyone that lives to see such times. I knew that from these ashes we could rise and build a better stronger more accepting world for our children to grow up in.

: * MP * :

So in typical Weasley fashion we were almost late. Arriving with just 15 minutes to spare before the train left. Even though he was only 7 months older than my Twins, Teddy Lupin was starting his second year he was showing my Twins and their cousin Victoire Weasley around. He had promised me and her parents that he would look after them.

I believed him he looked so like his father when he promised. So serious and seemed to grow older. But it could also have been because he had shifted in to an older boy, as if it would make the promise more believable if it had come from an older person. The little Hufflepuff caused a lot of trouble with his morphing and I know he's doing his parent proud.

I know my babies are in safe hands with him. I also know that they are probably going to get in to a lot of trouble they are after all Weasley Twins.

The world might only be slightly better than it was twelve years ago but I know that they will be able to deal with anything that life throws at them. And I will be here to offer my help if and when they need it.

That's all there is there isn't any more.

The End

Please let me know what you think. Reviews and Comments are appreciated. Thanks for sticking with me. It's all Done! Thanks to all my reader I hoped you enjoyed it.

So there you go Fred left behind a Family. I don't know if that makes it better or worse. I guess you'll have to decide that. Please let me know what you think.

Love Always,

Mistress XoX

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