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  Dan was hesitant on going to school the next day. He'd felt bad about yelling at Phil like that, cause even though he was a being an annoying prick, he was just curious. And Dan knew he had to apologize....just maybe not right now.

  He went as far as pretending he was sick, but his mum saw right through it and forced him out of bed.

  He was dragging his feet in the halls, prolonging his having to go to English. But he eventually reached the door, and headed inside. He couldn't chicken out now.

  He saw Phil was sitting in his usual seat, but when Dan sat down, he didn't feel him up like normal, just kept staring ahead and twirling his pencil through his fingers. Dan glanced over at him and sighed. He really didn't want to do this.

  "Hey, Phil?" He said, and Phil looked over at him to let him know he was listening to him, turning his head back to the front quickly. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday, okay? Its just, you were asking quite a lot of personal things, and I'm not really used to opening up to other people about my life. And I'm sorry I kicked you out. I just....needed some time alone." He paused, staring at Phil's still blank expression. "Will you say something? Its not normal for you to be so quiet."

  "You can redeem yourself by kissing me."

  Dan sat for a moment, then shook his head, smirking. "You asshat." Phil was laughing, and he reached over to ruffle Dan's hair.

  "Good morning everyone!" The teacher yelled out, as he walked into the room, smiling at them weirdly. "Today will be spent working on your projects. Everyone find your partners, and ask each other, 'What would you do for someone you loved?' Great way to start this off. Let's go, chop chop!"

  There was rustling and scraping all around the room as people went to find their partners, and Phil turned in his seat to face Dan.

  "You never answered my question yesterday. About kissing anyone."

  Dan rolled his eyes at him, but decided to give him an answer. Its not like it was much of a secret.

  "No, I've never kissed anyone. Ever."

  "Well that's just horrid. How do you live, knowing your a kiss virgin?"

  "Shut up, and let's do some work for once. So um, what would you do for someone you loved?" He asked sarcastically, but Phil smiled wide and got this dreamy look on his face.

  "For someone I truly loved? I'd do anything. I'd give them everything they wanted and more. I'd be there whenever they needed me, hell I'd probably kill myself if it meant they were happy. I just....I really think that going through all that hell would be worth it, as long as you both love each other."

  Dan couldn't hold it back, and he burst out laughing, causing Phil to snap back from his fantasy world and look at him quizzically.

  "I'm sorry." Dan gasped. "Its just, your logic is so.....forgive me, but its so stupid."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Phil. Why in God's name would you want to go through all that shit, for one person? It sounds so crazy. Its not gonna last forever you know."

  Phil smiled at him, not seeming at all fazed by Dan's shoot down. "I don't think you've ever felt too strongly about anyone, Dan. If you ever found someone special, I think you'd understand what I'm going on about."

  Dan looked down at his hands, processing Phil's words. It was true, he'd never had someone he felt extremely close to. He'd always thought that it was pointless, because its not like relationships last forever. There was never a need to make close ties with people. But after only a few days with Phil, he was seeing it differently. Maybe having a close friend, even a serious boyfriend or girlfriend, wasn't terrible.

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