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  'Slut' wasn't a word that Dan would use to describe himself. At least, not two weeks ago. If he was honest with himself, he felt like the biggest whore in the world right now. He didn't know how he could walk around, pretending as if everything was okay when really, he was cheating on his boyfriend with some random guy he'd known not even a month.

  And the worst part was that Phil didn't have a clue. He was as unsuspecting as ever, and he didn't at all question why Dan was as distant as he'd ever been. Phil was just the innocent bystander in the raging shit storm that Dan had brought upon himself.

  But he knew he wouldn't stop doing it. No matter how much he knew it was wrong, and no matter how much he was sure it would kill Phil if he ever found out, he wasn't going to quit whatever it was he had with Jace. Because he was actually enjoying himself, as fucking heartless as that sounded, he liked the things he did with Jace, and the things Jace did to him.

  And it wasn't as if Phil was paying any attention anyway. He was still just as wary about Jace, the only difference was now he had a reason to be. He wasn't making any attempts to try and resolve things with Dan, and that was just another reason for Dan to keep going. It honestly wasn't that hard hiding it from him.


  "Hey, Dan?" Phil said, leaning up against the row of lockers next to Dan's. School had ended for the day, and everyone was leaving, and Dan had almost been gone too, before Phil stopped him.

  "Yeah?" Dan said, closing his locker.

  "I was just...I was wondering if maybe I could come over today, and we could talk. I need to tell you something."

  "I..." Dan trailed off, looking for an excuse to reject the idea. "I can't, I have to...talk to my Bio teacher, about some project we're supposed to be doing in class. Sorry."

  Phil looked down at his shoes, and Dan almost went back and agreed at the disappointed look on his face. "Oh, okay." Phil said, smiling slightly. "I'll just, call you or something."

  "Yeah." Dan said. Phil smiled again, and then left, walking down the halls to the front doors of the school. Dan looked after, felling a small shoot of sadness at Phil's slouched figure, but he shook it off and headed in the opposite direction, towards a specific empty classroom. Where Jace was supposed to be waiting for him.

  "What took you so long?" Jace asked when Dan walked into the room, sliding off the desk he had been sitting on top of and stuffing his phone in his pocket.

  "Sorry, I was just sorting some stuff out." Dan said. He threw his bag into some corner of the room, and walked over to where Jace was standing, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Will you ever forgive me?"

  Jace smiled at him, throwing his arms around Dan's neck and bringing their faces close together, so that their noses were just touching. "I'm sure there's some way you can make it up to me." He said seductively, as he ran his fingers softly through Dan's hair. Dan laughed slightly, leaning down even closer to Jace, until their lips crashed together and they were kissing.

  Kissing Jace was a whole lot different than kissing Phil. With Phil, it always started off slow and soft, with barely a brush of the lips. It was filled with all kinds of emotion and passion, and it kept getting deeper as they continued, until they eventually had to pull away for air. But when him and Jace kissed, it was wild from the beginning to the end. There was only lust and deep need, both of them letting out filthy moans from the start, and there were tongues everywhere, it was just hot and fast and seemingly unending.

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