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But of course, it wasn't just a one time thing.

Dan told himself constantly that it was nothing, that Jace didn't mean anything. It wasn't like they were having sex or anything, it was just kissing. And as long as Phil didn't find out, there was no need to worry. But there was no stopping the guilt that was always eating away at him, making him physically sick.

He couldn't stop himself. Him and Phil were still arguing, of course, and they were barely together, so it was a kind of comfort, having Jace there. Dan had tried to stop it, had tried telling himself that it was wrong and there was nothing good to come of it, but every time he did, he was distracted by Jace's lips, or his hands. It was just useless.

A week. That was how long it had been going on. Dan hated himself, for doing this to Phil, even if he didn't know about it. And the worst part was that he didn't regret doing these things, he only hated that it would affect him and Phil if it was ever found out.

And the way him and Jace were going, there was bound to be someone who discovered them. It was pretty much everyday they went at it, mostly during lunch, in an empty bathroom stall or the janitor's closet. They'd even been to Dan's house a few times, making out on his bed, where him and Phil had done so much more.

Dan didn't even know how they had gotten to this point. Sure, it was the intial first kiss that started it all, but it wasn't supposed to go off into them fooling around like this. It was only supposed to be once, like Jace had said, but that was all forgotten at this point.

Dan was officially cheating on Phil, with Jace. It was as simple as that.


Jace moaned heavily, as Dan pushed him up against the wall of the bathroom and continued kissing him intensely. They hadn't even made it to the stall before they started making out, and anyone could walk in on them, but they could care less at the moment. Dan was pushing his fingers under the fabric of Jace's shirt, running his hands over the skin of his stomach and chest. Jace had tangled his own fingers roughly into Dan's hair and was tugging it softly, and Dan groaned at the feeling.

It was as if they couldn't get enough of each other, the way they practically ate each other's faces off.

Jace jumped up, wrapping his legs tightly around Dan waist, and Dan grabbed his thighs to hold him up, and they both groaned loudly as their growing erections rubbed together. There was the smallest hint of guilt building in the back of Dan's mind, that he was actually doing this, with Jace, in the fucking boy's bathroom in school, but it was quickly washed away as Jace tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth. Everything aside, Dan couldn't help but appreciate his kissing skills. He knew what to do with that mouth of his.

Jace pulled away slightly to catch his breath, leaning his head back against the wall, and Dan continued to kiss his skin, down alongside his jawline, to his throat and now at his exposed collar bone. He had to make sure not to leave any marks, so no one would get suspicious, and so it was mostly soft, gentle kisses. It still had Jace panting though, as he tightened his legs around Dan's body.

Dan clutched Jace's thighs tightly through the material of his tight jeans, pulling his lower body even closer. Jace whimpered at the way Dan continued to move against him, and arched slightly off the wall to get even closer. They kept moving, grinding against each other, and Dan had stopped kissing Jace's neck and was just breathing against his shoulder as he kept moving, and Jace was just getting louder, and louder, until...

"Fuck, Dan!" Jace cried out. He was shaking slightly, clutching Dan's shoulders tightly as he rode off the high of his apparent orgasm. He didn't seem at all embarrassed that he had most likely ruined a good pair of jeans, or that he had came so easily, and in an empty bathroom. No, he was actually smiling slightly, his eyes still closed.

Dan stared at him, with his flushed face and messed up hair, and though he was sure he looked exactly the same, he was certain that Jace wore it better.

Jace slid down the wall, unwrapping his legs from Dan's waist and standing, if a bit shaky. He laughed, using the wall behind him to keep his balance. "That was the best." He said, his voice still husky with a hint of lust. "Jesus, we barely did anything."

Dan smiled at his words. Minus the ever present guilt and shame, he was actually the tiniest bit proud of himself, for being able to reduce Jace to this. "We should probably head back." He said, trying to get his breathing under control. "Next period'll start any minute."

Jace laughed again. "No way I can go to class, with all this in my pants." He said. "I'll just skip this period, until I can get something from lost and found, maybe. You go ahead without me."

Dan nodded. He fixed his shirt, so that it wasn't all over the place, and quickly combed his fingers through his hair. He hoped that his face wasn't red anymore, and was glad his erection had gone away finally. And with a final look at Jace's still weak seeming figure, he left the bathroom, into the hallways that were filling with students and off to his next class.

God, he hated himself so much right now.


a/n: Just a little filler thingy. I was bored.

Okay, don't hate me, but I actually really kinda like this whole DanxJace thing.

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