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Thank Jesus it was a weekend, because Dan really didn't feel like being out through Phil's unavoidable teasing and flirting. He had way too much stuff going on in his life, just from the last two weeks, and he really needed a break from it all. Plus, he still needed to find an effective way to hide the still dark bruises on his throat. Damn Phil, and that mouth of his.

The thing was, and even though he hated admitting it, he might just be developing some kind of feelings for the boy. No matter the things he'd done, pushing Dan to his limit and making him snap, there was something appealing about him. And Dan didn't know if they were serious feelings, or just the lust talking. Because damn, he had to admit that Phil was skilled in the lust department.

It was all so confusing. He'd never had these types of feelings before, not for anyone. It made him nervous, because Phil was changing him, the way he felt, the way he acted. Two weeks ago, he wouldn't even consider that someone would come along and do this to him, in such a short span of time.

But the worse part was that, for some crazy, sadistic reason, Dan liked it. He liked being constantly pushed by Phil, he liked the way his stomach turned whenever he thought about the things they did, and fuck did he really like the things they did. He wasn't even that mad about the hickies, it was just another way that he belonged to Phil.

This is so messed up, he thought. Even though it was the weekend, Phil was still there, permeating every thought Dan had, and every dream. Dan had been trying his hardest not to fall asleep, because he didn't want to succumb to this weakness, but it didn't really work, no matter how much coffee he drank.

And the dreams weren't exactly PG...

It just really bothered Dan that Phil was affecting him like this. And Phil knew exactly what he was doing, and he just kept pushing it.

School was going to be a bitch.


The only way that Dan could possibly hide the love bites was using make up from his parents room and putting on thick layers of it. It made his neck look a bit weird, but he'd rather have that then anyone see the marks there. That would not be good. So after spending about twenty minutes on that, he headed off to school.

His stomach was churning the moment he stood in front of the doors. He really had no idea what to expect when he walked in, and he hated that. Never before had he been uncertain about anything, and now he was about everything. It was driving him crazy.

He kept his head down as he walked through the halls to his locker. He felt as if everyone was watching him, and could see all the things he'd done in the last few days. He felt like everyone saw right through the heavy make up on his neck. He was way too paranoid.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he reached his locker, and hastily opened it to grab his things for English.

English. Shit.

Why the fuck did he have to have first period with Phil. There was no time at all to prepare for what was sure to come, and he was in no way ready to face it.

It wasn't even the make out session they'd had that made him nervous. It was these new feeling that he had. He just wasn't sure how he was going to react when he saw Phil, but there was no doubt it would be completely irrational.

He spent every precious second before class, trying to ready himself, but the bell eventually rang, and he grudgingly headed off to first period.

He hesitated in front of the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door and walking in the classroom. He kept his eyes on the floor though, as he made his way to his desk in the back, and didn't look up as he sat down. He knew Phil was there, but he didn't acknowledge him.

They were supposed to be comparing notes for the whole class period, but Dan was just sitting there with no intention of doing so. Not if it meant interacting with Phil. It was going well until about halfway through the lesson, when Phil decided to make the first move.

"Are you going to look at me at all?" He asked mockingly, spinning in his seat to face Dan, but Dan still refused to meet his eyes.

"Not unless I have to."

"I think that working on this project together requires you to look at me."

"Not if I try hard enough."

"Christ, Dan, I didn't mean to kiss you like that on Friday." Phil exclaimed, and Dan scoffed at him.

"Didn't mean to?" He started. "So it was a fucking accident, was it? You just, accidentally, stuck your tongue down my throat, and you just happened rip my shirt off. I have to wear a fucking inch layer of make up just to cover the marks you left. Accident my ass." He tried to keep his voice a bit lower, because they were in class, but it took everything he had not to shout at Phil.

"The marks are still there?" Phil asked, smirking slightly. Dan picked up his notebook and hit Phil in the arm.

"This is not the bloody time to be bragging about your damned love bites!" Dan whispered harshly, but it didn't matter what he did, Phil continued to smirk at him. He was so damn annoying.

"Everything okay back there, gentlemen?" The teacher asked, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"Perfect." Phil replied, smiling at him, and he went back to the other pairs.

Dan angrily pulled out R&J and his notes, glaring down at them and paying no attention to Phil.

"Can I just as you one question though?" Phil asked, and Dan sighed aggressively, but nodded. "When I did kiss you, you felt something, right? It wasn't just me?"

Dammit. Dan clenched his fists, still staring at his desk. He had really hoped that Phil wouldn't bring that up, but apparently, no such luck. He stayed silent, but he could still feel Phil's blue eyes boring into him. He sighed heavily, before shaking his head.

"No, no feelings. Just.... lust again, I guess. Sorry." He said, and he was lying through his teeth. Literally, he was clenching his teeth so that the words he wanted to say didn't come bursting out. He wasn't used to holding things in like this, and it was hard. Dan risked a glance over at Phil, and was shocked to see that he looked a bit disappointed. That wasn't his usual behavior, no, he should be trying some extreme and slightly sexual way to come onto Dan. But Dan ignored it, because as long as Phil was off his case, he was fine.

After another few minutes of tense silence, Dan nearly jumped when Phil started laughing.

"What's so damn funny?" He asked sharply, glaring at the boy next to him.

"Nothing." He replied. "It's just so obvious that you're lying."

Dan rolled his eyes, then continued to stare holes into the papers that sat on his desk in front of him. Goddamn that boy, and his excellent perception skills.

Because they both knew that he was lying.


a/n: Hey guys, sorry for the wait on this one. No excuses really. Hope you enjoyed. Peace. :3

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