°chapter 16

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i excused myself in the middle of the class as i had to go to the toilet. i lazily dragged my feet through the hallways and went to the nearest toilet around there. and the moment i stepped into the place, the only people that was in there chaeeun.

sigh this girl again why.

she noticed my presence and completely ignored me right away not even showing a slightly smile on her lips. me? pft. i also did the same as her in reply and went to the sink right beside her to wash my hands.

actually, the purpose of me going in here was trying to release my stress in here. but with chaeeun besides me, it doesn't really seemed to work. or should i say,,, she was adding more stress to me.

i splashed some water onto my face and while i was doing so, chaeeun suddenly began to spoke up, after done putting on her red blush coloured lipstick.

"haih, what a lucky girl"


i look up at her in confused.

".... are you talking to me?"

"no, can't you see i'm talking to a ghost right now- of course i'm talking to you haru-ssi" she turned, facing me with an annoyed looks plastered all over her face.

i closed the tap water before letting out a frustrated groan. here we go all over again.

can't she just stop?

"is it about minhyuk again?"

"well duh!"

"oh my god cAN YoU just move on from him and just stop giving me a hard time just because of oNE fucking guy!"

"not until you break up with him" a scoff escaped from my lips after hearing what she just said.

"what the hell is wrong with you?! stop being so obsessed with him will you?!"

"oh what to do? chaeeun can't stop being obsessed with him. he's mine and only-"

"urgh, grow up already! you're 24 and already a grown up woman, so don't still acting around like a high schooler and act more like your age!"

i'm so done with this pointless conversation and without saying more words, i left her in dumbfounded.

"what? high schooler- HEY! WHERE YOU GOING??? IM NOT DONE YET!"


"ahhhh i'm so tired!" i said in a crack voice as i quickly plopped down on my bed.

i wanna be all alone and needed to have more space for myself for a moment.

i heard my ringtone's going off; meaning someone was calling me but instead of answering it like i usually do, just this one time, i decided to ignored it. don't even care anymore if it's actually important.


minhyuk's class ended earlier than expected. taking out his phone, he dialed haru's phone number right away.

he was thinking on going out with her and watch a movie at the cinema.

minhyuk waited but she doesn't seems to be picking it up. getting a little bit worried, he tried calling her once again.

still the same result.

"why isn't she picking up??..." he mumbled under his breathe, sliding through his kakaotalk on his phone and messaged her.

(a/n: if only minhyuk can see what haru put her contact name for him...)

hyukie oppa 🐶:
haru you there??

hyukie oppa 🐶:
why didn't you pick up my calls??


minhyuk ruffled his hair in frustration and decided to check up on haru by himself.


....hope you enjoy?

lmao hiiii

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