Anxiety (Dan)

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You had been planning this day for months. You and your friends had gotten tickets to see Bastille, your favorite band. You had camped out for hours outside the venue to assure you had good spots in the mosh pit.
There were mere minutes until the concert started and you and your friends had gotten a pretty good spot in the mosh pit, almost at the barrier. Looking to the side, you notice the absence of your group of friends. You brush it off, they're probably just blocked from your vision. Even if you wanted to look for them, it's too late and you'd loose your amazing spot.
Suddenly, there was a bright light shining on the stage, and one by one, Bastille walked on stage and began playing.


The concert went by very quickly and before you knew it, it was over. You begin to look around for your small group, noticing that they're nowhere to be seen. Scenarios begin to run through your head, quickly ranging from simple reasons your friends would've left you to complex theories about how they hate you. Your anxiety begins to take over as the room starts to seemingly spin around and your vision is clouded by tears.
People quickly push past you, attempting to beat the crowd out of the venue. You nearly loose your balance several times before your anxiety consumed you and you were launched into a full panic attack. You slumped against the wall and held your knees to your chest, sobbing. It became harder and harder to breathe and you began shaking with every breath you were able to take. Tears began to roll down your face, smudging the mascara.
You had been been in that state for what seems like forever before you had realized you were just about the last person in the venue. You attempted to collect yourself and wiped the tears and ruined mascara before shakily standing up.
You heard footsteps approaching you, what you assumed was probably a security guard telling you to leave.

"Hey, are you ok?"

You recognized that voice, Dan Smith. You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the face, he'd probably just seen everything that happened. Instead of looking up you just stared at the ground before quietly responding.

"Yeah, sorry I'll go,"

You began to shamefully walk to the exit before a hand grabbed your shoulder.

"I just saw you have what looked like a panic attack, there's no way you're fine. Is there anything I can do to help? Why don't you come back stage with me and the band for a little bit?"

"N-no thank you, I'd be a burden,"

"I insist, I know how much panic attacks suck,"

You just nod in response and follow him to the backstage area. After passing through several doors and past several security guards, you're in the backstage lounge area with Dan.

"I never got your name,"

"Y/N," you mumble in response.

"Well, Y/N, the rest of the band and I were about to go out for drinks, would you care to join us?"

You quickly nod. Dan introduces you to the rest of the band before the 6 of you were waking to a pub. The other members were extremely kind and welcoming to you, and you felt like you were chatting with old friends rather than a band you had looked up to for literal years.

"So what happened earlier?" Dan questioned.

"I got separated from my friends before the concert started and I suppose they left me after the concert," you mumble.

Dan pulls you in for a hug. You were in shock for a moment before you hug him back.
"Thank you," you mumble.

"It's no problem, now let's go get some drinks," he looks over at you, giving you an optimistic smile.
You begin to find that his smile was absolutely contagious, because before you could even realize, you were grinning like an absolute idiot.

(the first part is low key based on a personal experience at a concert oOPS)

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