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Dancing willow vines swaying while I swing, and you push against my back to make me swing even higher. I smile merrily as I close my eyes, the rain kisses my face and dapples my eyelashes and nose. I leap off the swing into your warm embrace. We hum melodies while we dance, and laugh as it pours around us. We're not going anywhere until we are able to freeze time. These magical moments with you are spectacular, despite their humble background. I lean into you as the rain water slides down our grinning cheeks. I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not afraid. I used to be so scared to think about a forever life with someone, because forever is a long time. I lead your lips to mine and between kisses I breathe, "I wouldn't mind...spending...forever...by your side."

I remember you came out of nowhere, at a time where I had my heart locked away, anxious, broken, and tired of trying to find my forever. Then you came and took this heart of mine, and set it free. You wrote me poems and sang me lullabies, and I wondered where you have been all my life? Every word you write or sing is so warm to me, but I'll admit I wasn't sure if we would last. I would hide away, but feel torn to be where you are. You've always been so patient and you have proven to me that I don't need to be afraid. 

We carve our initials, surrounded by a heart, into the soft damp bark of the weeping willow tree with the pocket knife I gave you. You are glowing in these rainclouds. You turn my way and gaze at me like I am your sunlight. We can't stop smiling. I want to get back on the swing again, but as I turn to go you put a hand on my shoulder and twirl me into your gentle arms, so strong. Your heartbeat races and you release your hold one me, sliding to the ground on one knee. I pull my hands to my face to cover my shock, peeking through the spaces in my fingers I see you slip a small silver box from your jacket pocket out to present to me. My face flushes red and joyful tears intermingle with the rain on my face as you open the box to reveal a simple ring in the most delicately gorgeous design. 

"Clara, I know forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Just tell me you love me, tell me that everyday I get to wake up to your smile, tell me Clara, that you will marry me?" 

I can't breathe my heart is pulsing, radiating a glow throughout my body, I can't speak. You know me so well, someone pinch me. I must be dreaming. Forever is such a long time...but I wouldn't mind spending it with you, I wouldn't mind at all. "Yes! Oh yes." I cry. He smiles so brilliantly. His eyebrows wrinkled in relief as he lifts me in the air by my waist and twirls me around. I'm flying, and it's not a dream this time. Once he places me firmly on my feet again, he grabs my left hand and slips the ring on my finger. I stare at it. He kisses my head so fervently. "Yes..." I whisper. 

Forever may not be such a long time after all...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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