Chapter 5

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The rest of the night I couldn't fall back asleep. I couldn't believe I broke down like that right in front of my brother as I held him. I was worried he wouldn't be able to look at me after what he just witnessed, yet he seemed calmer then ever before when he left. I was the only mess now, and I needed something to distract myself from the soon to be waking world.

Grabbing my phone from the little night stand beside the bed, I opened an app where people frequently asked me questions. I wasn't a popular girl, but I had the looks and enough of a following to get a few questions a day. However right now I was only looking for a certain message in particular. Scrolling through I hoped that one was sent and I finally stopped when a smile ignited on my face.

I had been chatting with some random boy for a couple months now, and I think I was actually starting to fall for him. It was our main source to contact each other and right now I really wanted to talk. Answering his Hey girl, wassup? question and waited for the little message to pop up in a separate texting app. It only took him seconds as if he was waiting in anticipation to respond and the smile stayed on my face. I was completely drained but I was going to make the effort to talk to him.

The little name popped up, and I started typing the first message while saying it out loud. "Hello Jesse."

I had told Jesse about everything that was happening and told him prior that I'd probably need a day before we could talk again, and that twenty four hours had just expired so now it was time to flirt. Since meeting Jesse, I had gotten a fair amount of information out of him for a fair trade of some of mine. At first I was worried about being cat fished by him, yet the reward payed for the risk. Sending me a link to some photos of himself, I clicked and it seemed legitimate and my god in my eyes this boy was sculpted by the heavens.

There were countless shirtless pics and his muscles were prominently on display. He didn't have a six pack or anything crazy but he was fit. To make sure though I asked him for a selfie with him holding a piece of paper with my name on it right after and sure enough it was him. Feeling I had to repay the favour I sent him a link to my photos, and I knew he would like what he saw when I simply got the word Damn as a response.

It made my heart flutter knowing he was seeing some of the photos, that revealed my body but it also gave me a sense of living the model lifestyle. He was now also one of my closest friends and one of the only people I felt I could rely on and yet I still hadn't met him in person. My only goal was to make him mine, the problem though was he lived twelve hours away driving and I couldn't afford a plane ticket. My plan had failed before I even tried but yet we still talked, until the morning dawn broke the horizon as the two of us exchanged messages every few minutes and I fought my eyes from closing. I thought I was in a dream world when I saw Jesse's most recent message, and I subconsciously read it out loud.

"I'm coming to your city, I'd like to see you if that's okay." His randomly generated voice said in my head.

I had never heard him talk so I made it up as I went, but my heart was fluttering I didn't care if it was a dream or not. I was a slave to my hormones as I typed an immediate Yes I'd love that. It didn't dawn on me what I had just done as I laid there in a wave of euphoria with a wide smile on my face.

What was I going to wear, should I get a new dress. Will he want to take me out to dinner or just sit in a park and have a picnic. Maybe well walk for miles and never look back. My mind was racing with different outcomes and that's when my eyes locked onto the little wooden box sitting on the make up table. My heart skipped a beat, as the sinful thoughts filled my head. I couldn't possibly do that, could I? The thought echoed into the abyss of my mind as I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the make up table.

Opening up the box that had been sealed for a long time now, I examined the little packets and saw the note that my mom left me inside.

I don't care what you do as long as it makes you happy, just use protection.

I was so infatuated with Jesse mentally that I wasn't thinking straight and thought maybe this note from my mother was a sign. Almost as if reading it gave me her permission and Jesse was going to be the new rock in my life that kept me grounded. It wasn't the healthiest thing I could do to start a relationship but after six hours or whatever of getting to know him maybe it would work itself out and be like a reward to both of us. I just had to make him my boyfriend.

While dazed with excitement, I didn't notice the time as my phone alarm started going off bringing me back into reality and back to a normal mindset. It was at that moment that the bliss of events abruptly stopped and my brain reminded me that I just accepted a date with a guy who I only knew over text messages.

"What have I done?" I said out loud as I picked up the phone to shut off the alarm.

By shutting it off I knew I had to start the day, and as tired as I was I reluctantly opened the door and was scared of the surroundings, forgetting that I was in a different house. I shook it off and then headed to the upper floor, really craving a shower now to wash away the tears and everything from last night.


Laying in bed a thousand miles away from my next conquest. I rested with my arm behind my head. I read the messages that Kara and I had exchanged then went back to her photos. She was a goddess in human clothing. I was two years older then her but I was truthful to her. Nothing I ever said was a lie to the question she asked, I always answered her as honestly as I could in my opinion, and I was in fact going to be there in her town during her birthday. It sucked though, about her losing her mother but it also meant she was free from any parental restraint and maybe I could convince her to come back with me.

These were all thoughts I had as I laid there in the one bedroom apartment, on my phone in the earlier morning hours. It was a curse to get up this early but the money was good. Construction was booming and I was thankful to be working full time, it also made it easier to enjoy the little luxuries of life.

However it was time to get up fully as I took a deep breath and pulled myself out of the bed, before walking around the room to collect what I believed were clean clothes and slid them on. I jingled the belt buckle a bit before managing to get the leather strap through. Unfortunately that was enough to initiate a groan from under the covers.

Looking up I failed to do the the one thing that I was trying to avoid. The covers slid down to reveal Kenzie, who was my friend with benefits under the covers. She spent most nights at the apartment, usually with me in bed and a lack of clothing. The two of us had gotten so close that she even had a key and somedays I just woke up with her beside me. I didn't mind though, she was a good girl and didn't over stay her welcome ever. However she had no idea about Kara, and I didn't intend on telling her. I needed to keep some secrets a secret.

"Are you leaving already?" Kenzie's voice called from the bed.

"Yea, work calls babe. You coming back tonight?" I asked her judging whether or not I should expect an individual but she never gave a real answer.

"We'll see, I don't know what my plans are yet but first I'm going to light up, want a puff?" Kenzie groaned as she rolled on her side barely covered and grabbed a little baggy of weed from her pocket.

I stood there contemplating the offer. It was tempting me and I knew the construction work that was planned today was going to be pretty brutal. Screw it, I walked over and took the joint from the girl as she finished rolling it and took a puff from it and then she passed it to me. I took a hit and let the smoke escape my lungs as I passed it back to her.

"Thanks." I said as she took another hit.

"Well thank you for all the fun we have." She replied with a smile before blowing out more smoke.

She was a free spirit and I loved it, but now grabbing my coat it was time for work and my life to become a noise polluted mess by the world around me. If only I could have gone back to bed, I think I'd be even more relaxed. I picked up my coat and the reflective vest and headed out the door leaving Kenzie alone again in my apartment, where she would relax and eat all the food I have. She was just like a girlfriend just with out the title.

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