Chapter 20

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When I woke up today I never expected this to be the way that it went. I didn't think when Kara called me that I would be sitting on top of a criminal who just tried to rape the love of my life. Still I was glad Kara called me, it had been weeks since the last time I saw her and getting that phone call when I woke up made my heart skip a beat. Ever since we were kids I always had a crush on her, and all I ever wanted was a chance to be her boyfriend.

However in the time that I had woke up to now watching the cops escort her land lord out, she dropped a bombshell that made my heart skip yet another beat. She was leaving and none of us knew about it, and since Juliet and her were no longer friends. It made sense that I didn't know but did she even care? How long did she even know? I felt betrayed by the girl who was my best friend.

We watched as the cops left and I took a seat down at her table as she sat on the other side. I could see that she had something on her mind and it appeared that she was ashamed that she didn't tell me sooner. She weaved her hands together and twirled her thumbs, while she remained deep in thought trying to find the words to describe the situation to me. However ever since school had ended, I hadn't said much to her and now felt like all the details were about to be laid out on the table for me. I watched as she took a deep breath and finally raised her head to look into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry David, I should have told you." Her voice was weak as she confessed her regrets.

"Kara, please what's going on? I thought you had your dream life why are you just packing all of it up for something unknown?" I muttered trying to make sense of it all, yet that's when it dawned on me that it was all about the boyfriend. "You're moving out to live with your boyfriend aren't you?"

"Yea, but it's not what you might think." She replied seemingly a little more down.

"Well what could it be, he must be a really great guy if you are willing to give up everything for him...better then I ever could've been." I didn't want the words to come out like that but now they had and I couldn't take them back.

"No it's because I'm. I'm-" I cut her off.

"Spit it out Kara." I didn't realize how mad I was getting until I saw the first tear drop from Kara's eye, and I realized that I had hurt her feelings and my jealousy turned to sadness as well. "I'm sorry Kara I didn't mean-"

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out and I just stopped, my heart beating faster then normal but I couldn't feel it since my body immediately went numb.

"Rea...really?" I asked quietly trying to sympathize while I tried to collect myself.

"Yes, I'm into my seventh week, and I'm so scared David." Her voice shook with fear as more tears started to fall from her eyes, my heart was breaking faster then I imagined.

"I'm so sorry Kara, I-" I didn't know what to say and it was clear as Kara looked up at me.

"Just go David. I know I broke you're heart. I know you love me but I'll never be able to return it so just go and save yourself I'll be fine." She finally raised her head and looked at me with a weak grin while tears continued to roll down her face.

There was nothing more that I could have said to the girl. Sure people would call me a bad friend, but she didn't tell me any of this. I still loved her with all of my heart though and I couldn't let her see me cry, in case there ever was another chance for me to be with her. Standing up from the table I bee lined it to the door when suddenly I felt her hand grab my wrist. It caught me off guard as I turned around and before I could complete the rotation my lips met hers.

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