Chapter 18

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I laid there in the foreign bed that didn't have my shape imprinted into the mattress. Beside me Kara was curled up in the fetal position sound asleep after what we had just done. I don't know why I said yes to her, let alone why I even toyed with the thought. I came here with one purpose, to leave and now I couldn't. I imprisoned myself in a promise that would soon be the end of me, they partier and drug user now forced to become a father. My friends would all leave me and be replaced by this girl, that Kenzie forced me to impregnate.

That's what bothered me the most. All of this was because of Kenzie walking in on Kara and I. Yet maybe that was the reason I said yes to Kara though. Over the last couple of days I had gone through the five stages of grief finally getting to acceptance or maybe I was just feeling guilty I didn't know I was a mess of emotions and crumbling fast. I couldn't take it as I got up and put a pair of pants on. I wondered where Kara kept her weed, and walking into the kitchen I saw a baggy hidden on the shelf behind some brownie mix. I was probably away from the bed for five minutes, when I heard Kara's soft footsteps on the floor behind me.

Taking the baggie, I looked over my shoulder and saw the girl wearing my shirt covering all of her intimates. I smiled at her before holding up the bag and waving it back and forth, only to be greeted by a frown. I didn't understand what her problem was, she used to smoke more then I ever did.

"What's wrong? Don't you smoke anymore?" I asked her as she continued to watch me, and immediately I knew something was wrong.

"Jesse, I hate to ask more of you but you need to stop smoking that...for the baby." She said her eyes looking down at her feet now as if she was ashamed.

"Seriously? You can't be serious? Does marijuana even do anything to babies?" I asked her as I was becoming slightly infuriated since this was practically all I still had from my past life.

"I'm sorry and I don't know I just don't want to take any chances and have an unhealthy kid." She replied as she grabbed her arm with her other hand and continued to look away from me.

"Fine. I guess I can do that." I was still lying through my teeth.

I hated every word that came out of my mouth, and the more the two of us talked. The more I was starting to hate Kara. I don't think I could ever bring myself to loving the girl, let alone marry her. I'd simply raise the kid for as long as I could while doing what I wanted on the side. Besides if we were both working we wouldn't have much of a problem, paying for things. Unless she didn't plan on that and instead wanted to watch the kid while I worked. I didn't know what life was going to hold for me now as I simply put the weed baggie back onto the shelf behind the brownie mix.

Maybe that would be my solution, move away from the smoke aspect and go directly to edibles. No smoke, no problem right? I kept it in mind for later as I looked back at Kara who still had her head hung and getting back to my feet and out of a crouching position, I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I would find a way to make this work in my favour, whether she decided to stay or not.

"Don't worry I'll try to do everything to give the three of us a happy life." I said trying to reassure the girl since at the end of the day she was still a warm body.

"Thank you Jesse, It means a lot." Kara whispered and finally raising her head to look at me.

"Don't worry about it, but how about I treat you tonight and take you out for a nice dinner." I replied back feeling my stomach growl as I said it, but I was also instantly met with a smile.

"Really, can we do Chinese? I know a really good buffet near by." She suggested nearly jumping up and down as she waited for what I had to say.

"Sure that sounds good to me, now lets stop wasting time and go get ready." I smiled as I placed a kiss on Kara's forehead and I could feel her purr in my arms as I let go.

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