Chapter 11

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The months passed until the day of my departure finally approached. My final school year had ended and I said goodbye to all of my friends. I hadn't seen Juliet since the day she hooked me up with the weed, that I was now loving and almost relying on day in and day out as I sat outside the basement window in my room, with my back against the house smoking a joint almost twice a day. I had my own dealer and everything. Still I missed Juliet, she used to be my life line but now she had gone from being to the school delinquent to one of the most loved girls among the nerds at the school. She went from the top of the food chain, to the bottom and was now dating some dweeb that she says treats her like a princess. How could that be possible if he wasn't a popular boy it didn't make any sense to me.

I'd see her in the halls occasionally, always looking over and I'd give her a little wave. However she never looked back she just kept walking with her new group of friends. It didn't piss me off but it did feel like a piece of my heart had been taken away from me, she had been my best friend for years and she just shut me out. From the start I always knew she was against me and Jesse being together since she thought there were better people around the school who liked me in comparison to Jesse. They weren't my type though I wanted the quarter back and I wasn't willing to settle for a chess club president.

Then there was my new job. I managed to score my dream job right out of high school, well at least I was getting close to my dream job I was just a step underneath or so I thought. I worked at one of the most world renowned lingerie stores, selling top quality products that I knew I would look great in. Getting to dress scantily as people walked in was always a rush, especially when some of the handsome men walked in and you knew they had beautiful significant others but I still got to tease them. I was always a fun tempting the guy by pressing my chest out or hanging off their shoulders letting them have a good view of my cleavage.

I was a model at heart and I didn't mind having people ogle me as I made sales. I had become one of the best sales reps because of my 'influential' abilities. I knew that the other girls hated me because my means of selling were borderlining that of a stripper, but this was what I wanted to do. People looking at me was a fantasy and I always wanted to be the centre of attention. It wasn't like there was anyone I needed to impress and I needed the money to move out as soon as possible that's why I always kept the tips that some men gave me a secret.

With all that said here I was sitting outside my house, a lit joint in between my fingers as the scent of pot filled the air. I laid my head against the siding of the house. However with everything said and done I hated that this would be one of the last days I would ever be in it's four walls. We had gone apartment searching and everything, I was accepted into school my life was finally looking up for once. Ryan though...Ryan was heart broken.

When he handed me that gift on my birthday, seeing the silver charm with the words Big Sis formed on it broke my heart. Not because I thought it was a nice gesture, I hated charms ever since my mother died, and I tossed the charm across the room, while feeling bad for Ryan, who had wasted his money on something so stupid. He could have at least asked what I even wanted.However now I just wanted to be gone from here as I finished the joint and slid back into the room, where I grabbed the duffel bag that I had packed with all the different styles of lingerie as well as the little wooden box filled with condoms. On top of it was some clothes but nothing as exciting as the intimates.

I would only be staying a few days before coming back and starting school and I had butterflies in my stomach but I was also scared. I didn't know what would happen when I walked into that terminal, all I knew is there was a new life for me waiting to begin. I just hoped that Jesse wasn't actually a serial killer or something worse. I looked around what was once my room, everything had been stripped away hardly anything left as Ryan would be moving down here as soon as I left. This was his now and I was just renting it for one last night. I took a deep breath and walked over to the desk in the room and sat down, pulling off one of the sticky notes that was on the pad and clicked the tip of a pen out and started to write a note.

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