Chapter 17

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The day had finally come as I printed out my round trip tickets to go and see Kara and get our whole situation figured out. The more I thought about it the more anxious it made me, I couldn't waste any time in convincing Kara to abort the baby. I wanted to be free of her and get back onto my one night stand styled life, drinking heavily on the weekends and experimenting with an assortment of drugs all to forget about Kenzie. I was a mess, a mess no one needed to see or be around for longer then a single night.

The plane ride couldn't go fast enough, since I was so anxious to get all this settled. I had texted Kara, over and over the last couple of days, I even tried to call her but I got nothing. It was like she had gone completely dark and cut herself off of the internet. The only way I knew where she was or at least potentially was, was because of a message that she had sent me privately with her new address if I was ever in town and wanted to 'visit' well now I was coming to collect.

I was through the airport in what felt like a heart beat. I didn't even care that I needed to rent a car it would only be for a day after all since I was expecting to head out tomorrow. Kara now lived further then before now living in the south west corner of the city close to that hotel I stayed in the last time I was here. The roads confused me and it probably took me twice as long as it should've for me to pull up to the apartment, but when I did I saw the car that drove away from me leaving me at the airport those many months ago, now I had finally caught up with it.

I didn't need to think when I got out of the car and headed into the apartment complex. It wasn't like the apartments in the downtown core of the city I lived in. For one the apartment building only had three floors and two occupants per floor, and for parking all they had was the street out front. I parked two houses down just so I could get a spot. The road could have also been described as a a single car road by how narrow it was. Overall it had to be the oldest part of the city just based on how it was built and then swallowed by the modern world around it.

The apartment did have some upgrades though, one of them being a buzzer system to let tenants know when someone is there for them. I scrolled through the six names on the light up screen and then selected Kara's. A buzz rang through the system, and then it went silent. I wasn't sure what to do as I stayed there and waited like an awkward individual. This must be how pizza delivery guys feel. I thought to myself as I leaned against the wall with still no sign of Kara. Every second I waited just frustrated me more as I went back to the machine and buzzed her again.

I could feel myself rolling my eyes, and was legitimately thinking of just coming back at a later time. Yet I gave her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she was just sleeping or even in the shower. Which either one could have been the case since she finally walked out of the apartment that was literally right beside the front entrance. When she came out she had a towel wrapped around her head and mumbling in an aggressive manner.

"Hold on, I'm coming." She growled as she finished wrapping her hair up, and she clearly hadn't seen me yet.

"Don't worry, not like I'm in a rush or anything." I said casually trying to get her attention.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kara continued to growl before finally looking up at me, and her eyes went as wide as sauce plates. "Oh my god, Jesse. I'm so sorry I lost my phone and couldn't message you."

"It's alright daddy's here now." I don't know why I said that and it was probably the last thing I should have said regarding my stance on the whole pregnancy situation.

However maybe it was the best thing to say at that time since Kara's eyes lit up as I said it and the next thing I knew she had her arms wrapped around my neck. Her lips pressed against mine but yet I couldn't shake the thought that there was a little thing growing inside of her right now. I gave into her though because it had been so long since I actually felt the touch of someone. For that single moment I was on her side before she broke away from the kiss.

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