Chapter 24

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Getting out of bed in the morning was getting harder and harder as each day passed. Most people could probably relate but at the same time it wasn't likely for the same reason. When I opened my eyes I saw the most precious freckled face usually covered up with a few brunette hairs. Juliet, was beautiful in the morning even if she didn't think so. I had every intention to spend the rest of my life with this girl, she was my angel and I hardly ever thought about Kara now.

Or at least that was what I told myself. Somedays waking up my brain would still fantasize that Kara was the one laying next to me, but unfortunately it never was. Yet in my heart I knew my Kara no longer existed on this earth, my Kara died and by now she likely had a child and was looking after it. The last time we even talked was that day at her old apartment when she was almost attacked by Bob and that was over a year ago.

While I stared at the ceiling, I didn't even realize Juliet had woken up only to find out that she had when her hair created a veil around my head and all I could see was her face. She was beautiful and it was almost like she woke up prior, and got ready before hopping back in the bed, but if you knew where to look you could see that she had slept through the night . Her eyes had a reflective sparkle to them that you could only see in the veil of her hair.

"Morning." Her quiet angelic voice said before smiling down at me."

"Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well." I responded playfully as I tried to force my head up to kiss her only to have her continue to pin me down against the mattress.

"I always sleep good next to you handsome." She giggled before lowering her head to kiss me.

That was one of the things that I truly cherished about Juliet. She was so bubbly and playful now unlike when we were in school. When we first started dating we had a big heart to heart about the secrets we kept from each other. Juliet knew most of my secrets, but I had no idea about hers. Ranging from drugs to depression to even being confused about her sexuality. She was more complicated then I could have ever imagined but now all of that was in the past and we were a happy and loving couple.

Although something always weighed on my shoulders, before we started dating at that cafe she said that there was one thing that she wanted to do and I still didn't know what it was. However I had a feeling that I was going to find out in the next couple weeks because it seemed like Jules was planning something behind my back. Yet I was no better since I was also planning something as well. Something that would change both our lives and hopefully for the better, I just needed the right time.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, want to start cooking breakfast and then I'll come help you when I'm out." She playfully asked with a joyous tone before kissing me again and then sitting up and crawling off the bed, while I watched her leave.

She didn't need an answer because she knew that it was something I loved to do, especially when she would come out and help. Everything was always fun with her and that's why I'd soon be proposing to her so she knew exactly how I felt.

It was almost routine now that she'd get up most morning and go to the shower by herself and I'd roll over and pull the little case out of a hidden spot under the night stand and open it. The ring was always right there in front of me sparkling with enough personality that it rivalled even Juliet's. It was the first piece of jewelry that I had ever bought for someone, and it was also the most expensive, so much so that the purchase itself put a hole in my wallet. Then like every day I heard the shower turn off and I put the ring back into the little case and hid it back in it's spot before I got out of bed to start cooking breakfast for the two of us.

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