Chapter 9

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I couldn't believe it. She just up and left me at the airport without even saying a word. I looked like an idiot now as I stood at the terminal holding my bag at my side and looking higher then a damn kite. Kara was insufferable and I felt like I wasted a small fortune on place tickets only to watch a girl puke her guts out, and a part of me truly hated her for not putting out or trying to toke up with me, yet another part of me was crazy for her since I loved a good challenge from an easily attainable women.

I wanted what I couldn't have, or at least what I couldn't have at that time. I was going to make Kara mine or even just for a night and show her what a real man could truly do, unlike the boys she must have been exposed to. The only thing that worried me was when I went to kiss her she backed up into the driver side door. Normally a girl could never resist a kiss from me, yet Kara did prove to be more of a challenge then the usual girls I targeted.

The hug she gave me was half hearted as well and felt more like a pat on the back. Did she hate me? No what did I ever do to make her hate me I'm like the nicest guy. I thought to myself as I finally went to move, turning around and walking into the terminal while the girls car was now probably miles away and soon I'd be even further. Looking down at my phone I searched up Kenzie and sent her a text message. I'll be on the plane soon, can't wait to see you and bring the good kush.

I hit the send button and a swoosh sent the text away my time here was done and next time I saw Kara she would realize what she missed. I walked through the airport getting cleared and eventually I made it onto the plane. It was a bitter sweet ending to my journey as I looked out the window and watched as the massive vehicle fired up and barrelled down the runway. Soon I'd be home to spend the night with my childhood best friend, with no clothes on and smoking the good stuff.


The plane ride seemed insufferably long, when in reality it was just under an hour. Thank god I was high, it made looking at the clouds that much better almost making them seem magical. However I was probably spooking the little old lady beside me, since I caught myself with my hand on the window once or twice and was quietly laughing to myself. I looked more or less like a deranged lunatic who could have easily been kicked off the flight. We were almost there though as the clouds parted in a circle and I could see the island city below us. It was home, it was the one place I didn't have any cares.

"We'll be landing shortly everyone, if you could buckle up and put your trays in the upright position." The chief flight attendant instructed over the intercom.

I did just that and sat there, I'd be home in just a few minutes. Relaxing in the seat that was slowly becoming uncomfortable I closed my eyes and waited to feel the plane bounce on the runway and then come to a stop. I never fell asleep on plane trips, since I always felt like I needed to be in control, and as we landed I opened my eyes and waited for it to stop.


The trip off the plane and through the terminal didn't last long as I found myself in the same place where Kara, had left me just in a different city an hour ago. I stood there waiting for Kenzie, she was always late for thing, a few of them scaring even me. I never realized how scary the I've missed my period talk actually was, what made it worse was that it wasn't just one time. It was three.

I had been part of three pregnancy scares averaging one every year at this point, and I was waiting on number four to be right around the corner. I wasn't ready to be a father, hell I didn't think I even wanted kids because of my lifestyle. Drugs, alcohol, working long hour days. What kind of father could I ever be to a kid, let alone have a wife that supports that.

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