Wrath of unspeakable act

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I was running, trying to get to Ruby, just to stop all this madness. I ran from the forest into a clearing, where Grimm were crawling like an infestation.

A large figure bolted at me and went for a punch at my face. I blocked with my sword, but I was sent flying backwards. I caught the face of my assailant - it was Yang, ready to attack again.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I got up, holding my hands out.

"Weiss? Oh, Weiss!" Yang grabbed me into a massive hug.

"Um, Yang, this isn't-"

"I know!" Before Yang could throw me out of the way, a Grimm charged at us,  throwing us across the field.

We got up and got into our fighting stances. I was going to start attacking, when I nearly dropped my sword at what my eyes saw. 

Ren was slashed from his shoulder down, hitting the ground, dead. Ruby stood over him, with her eyes glowing white, and her skin covered in black as blood poured from the gash in her gut. 

She's a Grimm, and as huntresses, it's our sworn duty... 

I buried the feelings of my guilt deep inside my mind, and looked at Yang, who choked a small nevermore out.

"Yang!" I said, "Get her while she's still weak!"

She followed my signal and knew who I was referring to. With a heavy sigh, Yang crossed the field with large strides, shouting her name.

Perfect, I thought. While she got her distracted, I quickly sneaked behind a wall of debris and got within striking distance of Ruby.

"Yang," Ruby said, her voice breaking, "You're the last person I want to hu -"

Myrtenaster almost went through her abdomen with a squish. I pulled out, with blood steadily leaking out - I must've hit an artery.

Ruby let out an ear-piercing screech, and did a 180 degree spin, knocking me away.

"You bitch! You backstabbing prick!"

My eyesight was blurred. The force of the impact knocked my sabre out of my hand. Around me, I heard the snarling of Grimm in its many permutations, and the cacophony of bullets and metal upon dirt and flesh.

Yang's hand helped me up off the ground. "Weiss, here! We're defending that little fort over there! I've got Ruby, you go over there, now!"

"Okay, but the rest-"

"Don't worry, we - we can put her down if there's more of us -"

An eruption of red petals appeared next to Yang, and the next thing I knew, I saw a large red gash along Yang's body. She fell and crumpled on the ground, howling in pain.

I immediately was forced to block the oncoming barrage of melee attacks from Ruby. Her normally slow follow-up melee attacks were increased to dagger-like speeds as she abused her semblance with seemingly no limit. With each hit, I felt my upper body strength failing as I was knocked back more and more.

Ruby held up her scythe and, like an axe, hit Myrtenaster with such force that I almost thought it broke. I fell to the ground, defenseless.

Ruby put her foot on my chest, and spat out blood. "Maybe... If you're gone, I can find peace."

I coughed, ignoring the rattling in my chest. "Maybe, if you just listened to me, this wouldn't have happened! But no, here you are, being childish, again. Maybe if I die, I'll be spared from your atrocities!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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